[Name][Course Title][Instructor Name][Date]Impact of Military Bases on Local CommunitiesA military base can be defined as a facility, arrangement, reservation or a system that shelter military equipment and personnel. The military bases are available in every country of the world in order to support and protect the military equipments and for the protection of personnel as well as country CITATION LuÃ09 m Dav99 l 1033 (Rodrigues and Glebov; Warren, Holman and Harvey). Likewise, in every country, this military base has significant impacts that could not be overlooked. Concerning this, this paper is composed particularly in the area of United States military bases and its impacts on local communities of United States in order to determine both negative and positive impacts. For this purpose, a thesis statement is developed for the study that is given below:"Military bases play positive and negative roles on communities within the United States by increasing local revenue, increasing population, military conflicts of interest, and non-military domestic disturbances."Based on the above thesis statement, the paper is composed by making detailed research and provides effective and real facts assess the outcomes of the study that could be either positive or negative. The study will analyze from different angles, the implications of US military forces on the members of local communities. At last, conclusion is included in this paper along the final comments that could be either in the favor or against of the key research topic or thesis statement.The role of military in the development and growth of the country is significant since presence of military bases is one of the factors that influence a number of factors and areas near to it. Likewise, in the United States, there are number of military bases located in local communities, which are influencing on various aspects in terms of social, economic, and political areas. There are number of researches and studies conducted to determine the ways and areas that could influenced by the military bases. In the same way, in United States the significant impact of military bases on the local American communities can be observed since the history of America concerning to military bases is full of real facts and realities CITATION Dav99 l 1033 m Ann04 m Dav99 m Jan09(Warren, Holman and Harvey; Baker; Warren, Holman and Harvey; Radway, Gaines and Shank).When it comes to analyze the impacts of the US, military bases on the local communities of the United States, there are number of facts identified. These facts are both in the favor and against of local communities of the United States, which determined that the US military bases have been influencing local communities of United States in both negative and positive CITATION Mic96 l 1033 (Michael Dardia; Rand Corporation; National Defense Research Institute (U.S.)). These positive and negative impacts of US military on the local communities of Unite...