According to Wang et al (2012), implementation of TQM follows a six pillar structure model. The pillars are assumed to be interconnected and should be utilized together for successful TQM implementation. The first pillar involves establishment of an environment that favors quality management. This pillar urges for total commitment from the organization’s leadership. A vision and mission about TQM implementation should be devised by the management and made known to all the organization’s workers. An organization should fist identify the benefits it would accrue from implementation of TQM before commencing on such a move. The management should also establish mechanisms of communicating the importance of TQM implementation in the organization. This may be through employee conferences, seminars and workshops. Formal training may be required for key TQM implementation facilitators.
The second pillar is about engaging employees in the TQM implementation process. Employee involvement is crucial at every aspect of organization’s change. The basic principle of employee involvement is the empowerment of the employees. This allows the employees to have ability and self-confidence in taking the responsibility of ensuring customer satisfaction. There is need to educate all the employees on the importance of TQM in the organization processes. Employees should be equipped with group dynamics techniques, awareness of quality management, efficient communication skills as well as good problem solving techniques (Morfaw, 2009). According to Kaynak (2007), employees working in the front line of production should be actively involved in decision making since they are a great determinant to the quality of the output produced. Teamwork should be promoted among the employees as its one of the factors that makes TQM implementation successful. Teams ensure flexibility, dedication to work and collective response to work challenges. The management should identify motivational factors to their respective teams in order to boost their performance. Conducting a performance appraisal is another factor that increases employees’ commitment to their work and consequent achievement of the TQM objectives….