Attitude adjustment for anorexia
Begin by reading the following article: Silber, T. J., Lyster-Mensh, L., & Duval, J. (2011). Anorexia nervosa: Patient and family-centered care. Pediatric Nursing, 37(6), 331-333. Using the assigned readings and information from the literature, compose a response to the following: The authors suggest a new paradigm is necessary to understand the causes and treatment of anorexia nervosa. Often times, nurses, other health-care providers, parents, and the public believe eating disorders occur only within a dysfunctional family. Additionally, the authors propose that malnourished children and teenagers admitted to acute care settings resulting from anorexia nervosa are not approached with the same caring, therapeutic relationships applied to the malnourished child or teen that result from the medical diagnoses of cancer, cystic fibrosis or other related debilitating diseases. Discuss methods the professional nurse may use to assist with this shift in understanding suggested by the authors. In what circumstances can the RN advocate for the individual with an eating disorder? What are viable approaches to treat individuals with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? How would the RN provide information to families about the treatment options for their children?
ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT FOR ANOREXIA Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of Submission Attitude Adjustment for Anorexia There is need for an attitude change when it comes to dealing with a hospitalized patient with anorexia nervosa. As it is today, the medical fraternity has adopted an attitude that is less open and less helpful towards patients with this disease, which has in effect negated the therapeutic relationships and a family centered approach to health care. This can be attributed to the old theories and myths about this disease; there is thus a need for a paradigm shift in the understanding of this disease (Sibler, et al. 2001). Recognizing a per...