"Outline Michel Foucault Legal theories". What is meant by "biopolitics"? while Foucault-who thirty years ago has introduced the term -has linked the concept to a strict time scale, Agamben famously revokes the foucaltian limitation to the more recent past, claiming that the biopolitical theme can be followed up much further backward : explain and interpret their differences. In your own view criticize the Foucault`s theory against Agamben`s theories. Question (2). Kelsen`s Pure Theory of Law, in other words to any legal order laid down by humans. How is this limitation to be explained in reference to Kelsen`s world-view? Why is it significant , in your view, that Kelsen does not claim that his conception also applies to natural law or any other form of superhuman law?. Question (3) Which are the most salient changes introduced by H.L.A. Hart`s 20th century doctrine of Legal Positivism upon John Austin`s 19th century conception? Discuss. In your own view criticize Kelsen`s theory against Harts theory.