Interviewing skills in social work
1.One of the most basic tasks of the effective interviewer is to help the client tell their story fully and accurately. This demands accurate listening and the ability to facilitate client talk. Reflect on your personal style and ability to listen.
a. What are your strengths as a listener?
b. What are some areas for improvement?
2. What single idea stood out for you among all those presented in this week’s readings, lecture or studio session, or through practising listening responses?
3. Reflecting back on your first three weeks of this course, what is the most valuable piece of information/ skill that you have learnt so far?
a. Why?
4. What listening or influencing response do you believe you do well? (pick one)
a. Why?
5. What listening or influencing response do you find/ believe you will find the most challenging? (pick one)
a. Why?
6. What does empathy mean to you?
7. Reflect on your ability to demonstrate empathy.
a. What are your strengths?
b. What are some areas for improvement?
8. Reflect on your ability to draw out the client’s story.
a. What did you do well?
b. What do you need to work on?
Interviewing skills in social work
9. Activity 1 (25mins)
Personal Goal Setting
The purpose of this activity is to help you to understand the goal setting process by using it on yourself! Answer the following questions posed by Cormier, Nurius & Osborn (2013, p. 269)
Reflective journal questions
Reflect on above Activity
• How was this exercise useful?
What did you learn?
10. What did you notice about the interviewer’s attending skills/non-verbal communication?
11. What listening responses and/or influencing responses did the interviewer use?
12. Which stages did the interviewer demonstrate?
13. What did the interviewer do well?
14. What could have been done differently Marking guide