Leadership Name: Institution: Course: Date: Evolution of Leadership As globalization has continually changed the way that business is conducted across the globe and the level of technology continually continues to grow and have intrinsic impacts in the global economies (Riggio, 2010). At the same time the, due to the social and ethical connections that are associated with global cultural competence, the leadership ideologies have changed. In the past leadership has been quite straight forward with most of the theories focusing on the leaders’ ability to formulate decisions, while the rest of the followers implement the guidelines (Riggio, 2010). From the 60s and the 70s much of the leadership theories focused on leadership theories, where the leaders made all the decisions. Ideally, leadership was task oriented. However, this has since changed over time, with much of the emphasis being directed towards the followers more than the leader. While leadership styles are largely dependent on the objectives and the kind of organization, of late the leadership styles have taken on a shift. Leaders now involve the followers on the decision making process in the shift along the transformational leadership style (Maslanka, 2004). The leaders give power to the team members for them to own the process of decision making and the objectives of the various objectives. Leadership Compared to Management While the concept of leadership and management must go hand in hand...