Assessment Number
Assessment Type (and weighting)
Essay (50%)
Assessment Name
Contract Law Scenario & Advice
Assessment Submission Date
Learning Outcomes Assessed:
LO2: Explain the law in regard to sources of law, business transactions, the nature and management of a company, the concept of business liability in negligence, the vicarious liability of an employer and also individual employment rights.
LO3: Research in the area of business law- legal sources, business organisation, business transactions, business liability, and employment law- with the use of both primary and secondary sources of law - conventional and electronic - and interpret findings in both problem and essay form.
Assignment 2: Produce a 2000 word advice document for your manager based on the following case.
You work for a local Citizens Advice Bureau. Last week Juan came to see you to ask for your advice on a contract matter. From your case-notes of the interview and your subsequent research of the relevant case and statute law you have written a report for your manager. Your report will form the basis of the advice which you will provide to Juan when he comes back to see you this week.
Juan is young entrepreneur who owns a super-foods smoothie stand, he is keen to support other local business owners so he always buys the ingredients for his smootie stand in Barnsford Wholefoods Market from a local organic farmer called Crystal.
On Monday morning Juan telephones Crystal and leaves a message on her answering machine, offering to buy kale and asking what that week’s price per case is for the kale. Juan also states that he needs them as soon as possible.
Crystal faxes a price list to Juan stating that the kale will be £10 per box and that this price is valid for that Monday only. Crystal also states that she only has two boxes left but is expecting more to be available later on in the week.
Juan faxes Crystal back as soon as he receives her fax and states that he wants 2 boxes to be delivered on Wednesday and another two on Friday but that he wants them all at the same price.
Crystal is at a farmer’s convention and does not receive the fax until Tuesday morning.
On Monday afternoon, whilst at the convention, Crystal is approached by another trader who offered her £20 per case for all the kale she produces for the next three weeks. Crystal agrees to this immediately.
When Crystal gets back to Juan on Tuesday afternoon to tell him that she will be selling all her kale to another trader for the next 3 weeks Juan is very upset as he doesn’t know where he will source kale for his super-food smoothie.