At the end of this module, you will be able to:
LO1: Identify and analyse the theories and concepts of entrepreneurship.
LO2: Recognise and analyse the essential elements of the entrepreneurial activities, including the role of the entrepreneur in stimulating economic growth, discovering business ideas, innovation, resource issues, business planning and strategies for growth.
LO3: Analyse and evaluate the opportunity recognition process of entrepreneurs.
LO4: Evaluate research relating to entrepreneurship, gender, ethnicity, family business and small business.
LO5: Apply analytical and enterprise skills in evaluating an entrepreneurial business.
You are asked to write an individual essay, not exceeding 3,500 words and excluding references. The assessment for this module draws on your reading and learning from the lecture and workshop sessions. The essay will test all learning outcomes.
Assignment Question Select a live business of your choice whether it be a small, large, family business or a social enterprise and then critically discuss its contribution to the economy and society by throwing light on its survival during the recent global issue (Coronavirus).
It is important to do some preliminary research via Google to make sure that the business you are selecting is live and not dead. You can do this by finding the contact information on the business website. It will also be useful to read the business annual reports or other publicly available company performance data.
Explain your arguments in the light of your knowledge, understanding, experience and observation of the entrepreneurs behind the business, entrepreneurial theory and practice as covered in the lectures and tutorials, and the nature of the business under investigation. You are advised to write up to 3,500 words. This word limit does not include the title page, the executive summary, the contents page, the organization profile, tables, diagrams, appendices or references. You must include an accurate word count on your title page.
This is an ESSAY and so must be presented in an essay format and style. See Essay Structure and Contents below for more detailed guidance.
This is an academic piece of work therefore you are expected to link theory and practice. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must provide supporting evidence for your arguments and use a wide range of resources including academic literature from journals, textbooks and so on. This is an individual assignment. You must acknowledge your sources of information and evidence using the Harvard referencing system. All assignments are subject to the University’s regulations on collusion and plagiarism and must be submitted in electronic form for checking on Canvas for Turnitin
1. Title Page
2. Table of Content
3. Introduction • Define and explain what is meant by entrepreneurship. • Give a brief overview of the organisation (Note: an organisation profile must be included in your submission as “Appendix 1”) • Explain the structure of the essay • The introductory section should be less than 250 words
4. Main Body A. About the Entrepreneur (or group of entrepreneurs) who was Behind the Organisation- about 1,000 words • Critically discuss the personality traits of the entrepreneurs
• How did the entrepreneur recognise the opportunity or did the entrepreneur create the opportunity? • What are the innovative products/services introduced in the market? Discuss why innovation is important for an organisation.
B. About the Entrepreneurial Organisation- about 8,00 words
• How did the entrepreneur build the entrepreneurial team?
• Explain the entrepreneur’s role as leader and what it takes to become a successful leader
• How did the entrepreneur grow the business (if it is large organisation)? You can include the role of family members, gender differences if it is necessary. C. About Contribution to the Economy and Society- about 1,200 words
• Discuss and evaluate the contribution to the economy, i.e., job creation, new production innovation, wealth creation etc.
• Evaluate the survival issues (due to the global pandemic) 5. Conclusion and Recommendations (if any)- about 200-250 words