Meltdown the Three Mile Island Name Course no. Date of submission Meltdown the Three Mile Island. Introduction-Problem statement. On the 28 March, 1979, a place known as Three Mile Island experienced an accident which involved equipment failures and human errors, resulting in emission of radioactive steam to the atmosphere. It was an incident of potential danger and moments of uncertainty since these emissions can cause permanent deformations to people. It causes premature aging, deaths, cancer risks, interferes with DNA causing mutation and diminished organ function. Some aspects and instances that will be analyzed include effects of the accident, panic instances and role of the Government in this video. These issues will be correlated to lecture readings and materials related to the topics and events in the movie. Body- the analysis From lecture 9, this accident can be termed as being a disaster. Disaster is an event that severely disrupts the functioning of a community (collection of norms, social networks, culture, economic and governance) so that some or all of its essential functions are dis