MGT599-MOD2 SLP-THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT, INTERNAL PROFILE, AND SWOT Name: Institutional Affiliation: The External Environment, Internal Profile, and SWOT Introduction The technological industry remains unique and competitive especially in consideration of the constant growing demand for some of the new innovative products in the market. As a result of this, intense rivalry is bound to rise between competitors, an aspect that may result in losses within an organization, especially in an instance where an organization engages in a price war. It is notable to establish that product competition specifically in regard to the development of Tablets that meet the preferences of consumers is evident in the market. When rivalry and competition turn out to be healthy, the production process is promoted, thus resulting in the development of quality products that are beneficial to consumers (Henry, 2007). On the other hand, it is important to ascertain that this industry remains quite profitable in as much as it necessitates the need for huge capital expenditures and specialized skills and knowledge in starting, developing and maintaining. Technology is primary utilized in many organizations in order to reduce the costs incurred in production, an element that maintains higher rates of consistency, accuracy and the reduction of manpower and errors in an organization (Henry, 2007). Organizations that are in a position to sustain constancy in the production o...