1- Open source software
2- Open code
3- Open sources software for education
4- Mentoring in OSS project
5- Newcomers in open source software
6- Documentation for Open sources project
7- Community support open sources software project
8- Software engineering open sources,
9- computer sciences open sources
10- Open sources software initiation
11- Project base learning on open sources software
Community support as Stackoverflow that has Q& A, Doc…. You have to look at What they have and using regarding to contact support
And for Github
The kind support you will look at in the contact part in software engineering and computer scinecs area Specifically in the contact part:
The order need to have
Introduction / 1 page
LR/ 2 pages
Data collection/1-2 pages
Analyses & result or discuss/ 5-6 pages
Conclusion and future work(what is the Knowledge Gaps)/ 2page
I need also the data collection on excel and analyses
the documetion should to have tables, figures… of the data you collect
Systematic quantitative literature review on Support for learning using open sources
The steps for systematic quantities literature review paper for find the gap knowledge and publish paper
1- Need to defining ((what is the support provide to learners who using open source software)) in the area we are trying to look at specific support for software engineering learner who are using open source(in contact part) And after we collect data to find the gap of the research questions to next work (future work)
Steps 1 in detail: formulate research questions: at the tables (use excels for the all bellow)
1-When & where has done research
2- Geographical speared of the research
3- Type of the methods used
4- Type at subjects examined
5- Type of variables measured
6- Different disciplines assessing the topic
7- Patterns found in the results
2- what are the database you will search here are the most important database and you have to search in them and others if you have as (web of science, google scholar, IEEE, science direct, Scopus, ProQuest, web of knowledge, sage) and My university library I will gave you the resource to add when we decide the exactly keyword for search?
3- Then decide what is the criteria inclusions the paper(should show support) and non-inclusion: here you need to read and assess for each publication have to ask ( is it relevant?, look at the
abstract some and whole paper for others, need to have clear criteria for inclusion- reproducibility? Original research papers only? May want to limit to certain types of research, you also have to use references list for each papers that because the Previously paper not electronic.
4- Creating your own review database: structure data look at the categories and subcategories: you have to use excel for all of those information
above: Categories about the papers: full references as who does research, where, using what method, what response variables, what the subjects, what statistics (if used), what found? “In the excel file”
Categorise about geographic location of research: city, stat, country, continent, climatic zone, general habitat types, others
Categorise weighting method/ studies: randomized control tails (number replicates, effect size… etc.), before, after control, impact experiments, observational studies with controls, quesi-expermantal… cohort studies, case studies…
Categorise for result: studies and discussed or actually demonstrated, outcome positive, negative, neutral or mixed or other, more detail result (statistically, significant, size effect, # of replicates, power of analysis… others
Categorise for response variables: individual response (physiological or behavioural), population level response (density, abundance) reproductive response (# of chick…)
For each category you need to think carful about it and about each subcategorise from the begin and need to decide that with me before you continue work on
6. check how well do the catogise work: are they narrow or broad, do I need additional value, new subcategories, do the criterial apply to categories work in reality? reflection new saves a lots of time later
7. enter rest of papers: check with me that all database is comprehensive , enter first 10% literatures, test and revise categories and then enter bulk of papers,
8. produce and review summary tables and where is the gaps
those 15 steps of the systematic literature review have 3 important parts 1- Get information- systematic 2- Collect database to personal data on excel and have to send all tables to me 3- Use the data to serial table and analyses then come up with the literature review to
publish and show the map gap to work on it in the future.
this paper has to contain on all of those sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, conclusion, and ref. While the order to start working and written: you have to start with: Methods, then Introduction (part of aims), then Results, after that conclusion, then Discussion, back to Introduction (part rest), finally Abstract, and ref.
In the method section: need to gave detail with keyword that used, database searched, criteria for using a paper, categoses and subcategories what and why and how the value assigned, show the data analysis and issue examined.
Then from the tables need to come up with key result: think about
1- Breadth
2- 2- Depth
3- Method
4- 4- Main result
5- 5- Critical gaps
6- 6- Result need to match Research questions
Then write the aim of Research questions and paper from what actually you found not what you think to find
Result should to document quantitative:
– How many papers?
– Who published?
– Where has research been done?
– What disciplines do research on this topic?
– What methods are used?
– what is the support mode/ student need?
– What is been found/ demonstrated?
– What missing gaps?
Text to highlight key result from tables
For the introduction carefully stopped out argument from the most general to the most detail— example ur aims it is about 4-5 paragraphs. Need to be good and match what you actually did and found.
Discussion part: – Discuss the result in relation to the literature – For the literature review discuss the implications of what you found – And shows the divers and future directions also discuss the limited
The references style will be as IEEE style
For the first part(that what you have now in order# 144535210)
You have to fix to:
1- need to focus on Open sources resources no more than 2 praghraphs,
2- then, talk about Open sources ((software)) OSS and ((open code))
3- then Summaries benefit and obstacle with the sub-head after that you have to start focus on the method.
4- please you have to use all resources I mention before in order 144535210
all detail but first I want from you understand this method of SLR on paper:(please read it)
A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects
Please I need the same instructor above paper/
I need the whole Excel file which include the data collect and analyses, you have to submit to me with the document
here the also some important resources you have to read it and include them with the the resources I mentions before:
1. Lena Mamykina, Jill Dimond, Tomas Smyth, and Krzysztof Z. Gajos. Learning From the Crowd: Observational Learning in Crowdsourcing Communities. In Proceedings of CHI’16, 2016. To appear.
2. “A systematic literature review on the barriers faced by newcomers to open source software projects”. Information and Software Technology, V. 59, March 2015, p. 67-85.
3. “Overcoming Open Source Project Entry Barriers with a Portal for Newcomers”. ICSE 2016 (38th International Conference on Software Engineering).
4.telier: Repurposing Expert Crowdsourcing Tasks as Micro-internships
5.Learning From the Crowd: Observational Learning in Crowdsourcing Communities
6.Toward a Learning Science for Complex Crowdsourcing Tasks
7.Towards Providing On-Demand Expert Support for Software Developers
8.A Multi-institutional Study of Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing
9. Meeting Graduate Employability Needs through Open-source Collaboration with Industry
10. Supporting Learners with Distributed Mentorship Teams in Massive Online Classes
11. Motivation as a Lens to Understand Online Learners: Toward Data-Driven Design with the OLEI Scale
12. Sociotechnical Mechanism for Online Support Provision
13. Online Help-Seeking in Communities of Novice Innovators 14. The Social Side of Software Platform Ecosystems
14.Joseph Feliciano, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Alexey Zagalsky:
Student experiences using GitHub in software engineering courses: a case study. ICSE (Companion Volume) 2016: 422-431
15.Alexey Zagalsky, Joseph Feliciano, Margaret-Anne D. Storey, Yiyun Zhao, Weiliang Wang: The Emergence of GitHub as a Collaborative Platform for Education. CSCW 2015: 1906-1917