P1 Explain management accounting and give the essential requirements of different types of management accounting systems

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Learning Outcome


In this assessment you will have the





opportunity to present evidence that shows


Page number



you are able to:








LO 1: Demonstrate an understanding of


P1 Explain management accounting and give



management accounting systems


the essential requirements of different types





of management accounting systems





P2 Explain different methods used for





management accounting reporting.





LO 2: Apply a range of management




P3: Calculate costs using appropriate





accounting techniques




techniques of cost analysis to prepare an











income statement using marginal and











absorption costs.





LO3: Explain the use of planning tools used


P4: Explain the advantages and





in management accounting




disadvantages of different types of planning











tools used for budgetary control.





LO4: Compare ways in which organisations


P5: Compare how organisations are





could use management accounting to respond


adapting management accounting systems to





to financial problems




respond to financial problems.

















Please see that you include the Turn-it-in


Report attached: Yes



If no Reason:

% of the turn it in report.



report. This work will not be accepted












without the Turn it in report.













Learners Declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own and the research sources are fully acknowledged.



Learners Signature:
























Any act of plagiarism will be seriously dealt with according to the colleges and awarding bodies’ regulations. In this context the definition and scope of



plagiarism are presented below:












Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work as your won. It includes copying information directly from the web or books without referencing the material;



submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another student’s coursework; stealing coursework form another student and submitting it



as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the college procedure. (For



further details please refer to the plagiarism policy and the student code of conduct.)































Due Dates










Issue Date


Week commencing 23/01/2017


Submission Date



Formative Feedback for LO1 & LO2







Deadline for submission. No more submissions


Formative Feedback for LO3 &LO4







allowed after this date unless mitigating.






























Price: £109

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions