This assessment task requires you to prepare three (3) online journal entries across the subject. The journal tasks are shown within the online topics to which they relate, as follows:
Workplace application online journal 1 relates to Topic 2 (worth 5 marks) – due on 14 March
Workplace application online journal 2 relates to Topic 3 (worth 5 marks) – due on 28 March
Workplace application online journal 3 relates to Topic 6 (worth 5 marks) – due on 2 May
Post your answer in the Journal tool on the Interact2 site. Create a new entry for each task.
Each journal task asks you to think critically about the workplace application of a slice of knowledge relating to the topic. Citations and references are required to support your arguments. As a minimum, use references from the topic; but you may wish to go further. The online journal is assessed on the quality of the argument presented.
This assessment will enable you to demonstrate your ability to produce informed, relevant and well-communicated advice relating to the application of strategic human resource management in organisations; and to communicate specialised strategic human resource management knowledge and ideas.
Marking Criteria
Criterion and weigthing
High distinction
Quality of your argument (3 marks)
Argument is complete and fully supported.
Argument is largely complete and supported.
Some gaps in the argument and in the support provided.
Elements of an argument are evident and some support is provided. However, there are several gaps in the argument and/or in the support provided.
Quality of writing and referencing (2 marks)
The argument is clearly expressed and fully referenced in accordance with the APA6 system.
The argument is largely expressed clearly and referenced in accordance with the APA6 system.
Some errors in written expression and accuracy of referencing using the APA6 system.
Several errors in written expression which makes it difficult to follow the argument. Several errors in the use of the APA6 system.