This assignment is designed to encourage the development of professional skills through the completion of weekly activities relevant to the role of an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professional. Please refer to the course profile to see how this assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes.
These objectives will be measured by the ‘closeness of fit’ to meeting the requirements and the assessment criteria below.
Academic Integrity
The weekly participation activities (PA) will be listed in the “Study material and activities” section of the COIT20233/COIT20249 Moodle course website in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 10. The weekly participation activities and corresponding marking criteria are listed on the following pages. You need to ensure that ALLyour weekly participation activities are free of any spelling, grammatical and typographical errorsbefore submission.
ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or material copied from other sources) using TurnItIn. If you are found to have plagiarised material or if you have used someone else’s words without appropriate referencing, you will be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero marks for the whole assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty may be imposed.Useful information about academic integrity (avoiding plagiarism) can be found at:
CQUniversity referencing guides
Submission requirements
Each participation activity has to be uploaded in to Moodle. The submission links can be accessed throughthe Assessment block on the Moodle course website.
Weekly Participation Activities
Week 2 - Participation Activity 1(4 marks)
Using the email guidelines specified in the Week 2 course materials on the Moodle website write an email to your local lecturer. The body of the email should have two parts: a Personal Biography; and your thoughts about this course.
Part A - Personal Biography
You need to include in the email awell-structured“Personal Biography” (approximately 200 words). The biography should contain an overview of your education, work experience and achievements. Some tips on writing a biography can be found through this link:
Part B - Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology
The email should also describe what you would like to achieve by studying this course and any questions or suggestions you may have about this course. This section should be about 200 words.
You need to upload a copy of your email into Moodle so it can be marked. If you use Outlook you can open the message and click “save as” and save the message as a text file that you can upload into Moodle. Or you could copy and paste the To:, subject line and content of the message in a MS-Word file and also add a screen shot of your email to that file and upload into Moodle.
- A copy of the email has to be uploaded into Moodle to be marked.
- Word count 400 words (+/- 10%).
Marking Criteria
The email should have appropriate entries for the following fields:
- To(local lecturer)
- Subject (meaningful subject line)
- Email Signature (Full name, Student number, program)
(1.5 marks)
- 5 marks for education, work experience and past achievements (0.5 each).
- Description of what you would like to achieve by studying this course (5 marks).
- Questions you may have about this course (5 marks).
Note if the submission contains grammatical and/or typographical errors or is NOT well structured and easy to understand or is too long or too short there will be a penalty of – 0.5 marks.
Week 4 - Participation Activity 2(4marks)
Part A - Analysis
Create a search strategy for finding information relevant to the Report (Assessmentitem 3).
Your search strategy should start with an analysis of the problem. Use the three questions of the Analysis part of the ARE process to frame your analysis. The questions are:
- What is the issue/situation I am investigating?
- What do I already know about the issue/situationand what do I need to find out?
- What arethe main ideas oftheissue/situation?
How to do this analysis is explained on pages 25-31 of your COIT20233/COIT20249textbook.
Part B – Keywords and Research Sources
The second part of your search strategy should include the keywords and synonyms that you are going to use to search for information relevant to the report topic. It also needs to includewhere you are going to search for this information, that is, which databases, journals, books and websites you will be using.Be specific, don’t generalise. That is, write the actual name of the Databases (for example, SCOPUS)and Journals (for example, Journal of Information Systems).Your search strategy should ensure that your sources are relevant, reliable and reputable.
The library guide for COIT20233/COIT20249 explains how to create a search strategy. See:
Marking Criteria
Must provide reasonable answers for the analysis part of the ARE process.
- What is the issue/situation I am investigating?(0.5 marks)
- What do I already know about the issue/situation? (0.5 marks)
- What do I need to find out?(0.5 marks)
- What arethe main ideas oftheissue/situation?(0.5 marks)
Keywords and Research Sources:
- List of relevant keywords (1 mark).
- List of reasonable databases, journals, books and websites(1 mark).
Note if the submission contains grammatical and/or typographical errors or is NOT well structured and easy to understand or is too long or too short there will be a penalty of – 0.5 marks.
Week 6 - Participation Activity 3(8marks)
By now you should have started organising your ideas and arguments for the Report (Assessment item 3). To ensure that you submit the best Report possible it is important that you seek constructive feedback from your local lecturer. This PA requires you tosubmit an early draft of your Report. This will be marked and returned to you in time for you to use the feedback to improve your Report.The draft should include:
- Title page
- One or two sentences describing your organisation
- Three or four sentences stating the aim/purpose of your report.
- Outline the sections/headingsand the content that you will include in the body of the report.For each section provide two or three sentences about what will be included in that section.
- Three or foursentences about your findings/conclusions.
- A brief summary of your recommendations.
This outline MUST RELATE to the case study described in Assessment 3 - Report. That is, your submission needs to be specific to the case study DO NOT just provide generic details about what to include in a report.
Marking Criteria
Report outline:
- Title page (0.5 marks)
- Description of organisation (1 mark)
- Appropriate statementsabout the aim/purpose of your report(1 mark)
- Appropriate sections/headings for the body of the report and relevant comments about the content of each section with respect to the organisation (3 marks)
- Appropriate statements about your findings/conclusions(1.5 marks)
- Clear summary of recommendations (1 mark)
Note if the submission contains grammatical and/or typographical errors or is NOT well structured and easy to understand there will be a penalty of – 0.5 marks.
Week 10 - Participation Activity 4(4marks)
In this course you are learning to become an effective worker in a globalised world. Most of us are familiar with a particular culture (for example, Australian or Indian). This could be your native culture (where you grew up) or where you currently live and work.You should understand about its patterns and ways of doing things (possibly related to doing ICT related work). Imagine you are working in an organisation based in this particular culture and you have been asked to mentor a new staff member who has just entered the country. Think about how you would explain your culture to that new staffmember.Howshould they behave in that cultural environment, and establish with them some boundaries around when flexibility is required, and when a matter needs to be referred back to the organisation (for example, the issue of giving personal gifts to business colleagues in some cultures). To get ideas talk to people from other cultures about what they have learned when living and working in different countries.
Write a memo giving advice to that new staff memberabout how to engage in negotiations with a particular cultural group. Provide at least three key points that the new staff member should be aware of when working in your culture. For example, are there culturally acceptable ways to greet people to avoid offending them?Are there conventions around who is allowed to speak at meetings? Are there foods to be avoided? Is there particular clothing that needs to be worn? Are there ethical codes to follow? Provide an example for each point you make. Make sure that you include in your memo the name of the culture you are explaining, for example, Nepalese culture.
Note: Word count 300-400 words.
Marking Criteria
Memo on Cultural Awareness
- Memo structure – To; From; Date; Subject; and body of message(0.5 marks)
- Clearly identify culture being explained (0.5 marks)
- Three key points of cultural awareness including examples (3 marks)