Programmer Defined Function Qualified Writers Rated 4.9/5 based on 2480 reviews Order this Assignment Now: £ 99 100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions Programmer Defined Function INSTRUCTIONS: INPUT, OUTPUT, AND BUILT-IN AND PROGRAMMER-DEFINED FUNCTIONSCase AssignmentCase 2 assignments consist of keyboard input, formatted output, built in functions, and programmer functions:Review the assigned videos in the background materials of the course before attempting to read the Python chapters.Complete the following exercises from chapters 5, 6, 7 and 15 from “Python 2: For Beginners Only.”Exercise 5.1, Exercise 5.3, and Exercise 6.3.Exercise 7.2, Exercise 7.3,Exercise 15.3, Exercise15.4 (exercises 1-4 only)Create a Word file named as “ITM205-Case 2-Exercises-YourFirstNameLastName”containing a copy of each of the IDLE source codes and running results with clear exercise numbers marked on the page.You can use the Snipping tools or screen print (ctrl + Print Screen) to show the Pythons editor’s (IDLE) code and results and demonstrate that your program executed correctly.Write a summary document in Microsoft Word format named as “ITM205-Case2-Summary-YourFirstNameLastName” to show what you have accomplished through the exercises. CONTENT: INPUT, OUTPUT, AND BUILT-IN AND PROGRAMMER-DEFINED FUNCTIONS Name: Institution: Exercise 5.1 Source code: The result: ... Price: £99Get Fresh Answer100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions