TASK 1 – at least 1500 Words
Using appropriate sources undertake a full marketing audit (external and internal environments) of your chosen organisation. Include details about the organisation’s position relative to other industry members including details on their marketing strategy.
Provide a critical evaluation of the organisation’s competitive edge (USP) over other brands in the marketplace. Demonstrate the organisation’s effectiveness by providing an evaluation of competitive performance. This should include relevant market performance data to underpin your evaluation, for example market growth, sales trends, profitability etc.
Key Questions to be answered (Please answer each of these questions as a separate heading)
- Carry out a full marketing audit (external and internal environment) of your chosen company.
- What is “your chosen company” position and marketing strategy relative to its competitors?
- Critically evaluate the organisation’s competitive edge over other brands in the same market.
- Using relevant market performance data (such as market growth, sales trends, profitability etc.), demonstrate the organisation’s effectiveness in the marketplace.
TASK 2 – at least 1000 Words
Based on your Part 1 analysis you should now choose a sporting footwear sub-brand (football, running etc.) from the organisations portfolio and:
Key Questions to be answered (Please answer each of these questions as a separate heading)
- Select customer segment/s for the sub-brand, explaining your choice.
- Set clear marketing objectives to increase sub-brand awareness, market share, and growth in sales volume and/or profitability.
- Recommend marketing strategies, based on the application of the marketing mix to your chosen sub-brand.
Benchmarking against other successful organisations or companies preferably from different industry sectors could also be used to further develop your analysis.