Rango is a brilliant satirical animation film that captures the viewer’s attention. The film has been done in two dimensions (2-D). This animation comic film is Western inspired. It is an interesting movie to watch and has radiant colors and magnificently built animation characters. The voice recording is great. The movie borrows a lot from the modern Western culture. Although the film in an animation, it seems to borrow a lot from real movies. Features such as helicopter attacks are not common in animation movies and the film manages to get the audience involved with such scenes.
A humble ordinary lizard ‘Rango’ has been placed as the main character in the film. This is a brilliant idea of the producer as one would expect a more superior animal to take up the role. The lizard’s main responsibility is to bring sanity to the Western town called Dirt. The town is run by criminals and is running short of water. The beyond the comic and satire in the animation film, Rango depicts classic Westerns. This is depicted through brilliant scenes where; a strange man comes to town, he tackles the town’s villain, and he assumes heroism among the town residents. The villain Rattlesnake Jake for example terrorizes the citizens of Dirt. Rango is assigned the responsibility of a sheriff after he accidentally kills an eagle that had been eating Dirt’s citizens soon after his arrival in town.
The characters in the film are somehow exaggerated with most desert creatures playing different roles in the movie. The characters comprise of a diverse range of creatures who keep the movie alive throughout 106 minutes of play. These creatures range from the rodent gangs to the owls’ mariachi band. Rango is a well developed film that holds the viewers in suspense throughout and has got low predictability on the turn of events.