Recognize how different geographical features are presented in maps and the globe.

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1. Recognize how different geographical features are presented in maps and the globe.

2. Recall cardinal points from memory.

3. Use cardinal points to map out landforms and landmarks.

4. create a destination  map using cardinal point to give direction to understand use of information learnt





1.8 Recognize syllables and words with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated.

1.9 Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables.

1.10 Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt.

1.11 Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending sounds.

1.13 Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words

1.16 Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sound.

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Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.7.

1.8. Phonemic Awareness: Track (move sequentially from sound to sound) and represent changes in simple syllables and words with two and three sounds as one sound is added, substituted, omitted, shifted, or repeated (e.g., vowel-consonant, consonant-vowel, or consonant-vowel-consonant). 6
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.8.

1.9. Phonemic Awareness: Blend vowel-consonant sounds orally to make words or syllables. 50
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.9.

1.10. Phonemic Awareness: Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt. 18
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.10.

1.11. Phonemic Awareness: Distinguish orally stated one-syllable words and separate into beginning or ending sounds. 24
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.11.

1.12. Phonemic Awareness: Track auditory each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word. 25
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.12.

1.13. Phonemic Awareness: Count the number of sounds in syllables and syllables in words. 8
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.13.

1.14. Decoding and Word Recognition: Match all consonant and short-vowel sounds to appropriate letters. 42
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.14.

1.15. Decoding and Word Recognition: Read simple one-syllable and high-frequency words (i.e., sight words). 42
Suggested Titles for California Language Arts State Standard 1.15.

1.16. Decoding and Word Recognition: Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds (i.e., the alphabetic principle). 41




Assign maps and compasses to groups of four for observation and interaction.

Present a geographical globe for the class to analyses in groups from group tasks.

Assign student individual worksheets to develop their mini-maps.




To give student knowledge on how to give directions to land marks and trace them using cardinal points.

Anticipatory Set



Each student will have a plain sheet of paper they are going to title “my home town”. Student will also have local maps and they are going to name different landmarks and their relative positions in terms of cardinal points. Student will draw small maps to different locations. Student will draw the maps of their town from memory using cardinal points to place landmarks accordingly.


Teach Lesson / Model

The teacher will introduce the topic and expectation of the day and introduce the materials to raise interest and excitement. Teacher is going to assign groups and distribute learning materials.

Guided Practice



Students will take turns to complete group task with the globe and they will assist each other to locate items prompted by the teacher. It is going to be a competitive timed activity.

Independent Practice


Students will answer lesson review questions handed out in form of printouts.

Student will submit individual “my home town” maps.

Groups will hand over their collective answer for prompts.







Teacher will ask class general questions about cardinal points, giving and finding directions, using a compass and finding landmarks.



Review how students respond to the topic.

Reflect on learner ability to take instructions and acquire map reading skills.

Observe students individual effort and teamwork.

Observe students getting curious about the learning materials

Assign individual and group based instant quizzes.


Instructional Materials (handouts, etc.)


Maps, compasses, pencils, transparent rulers, markers or color pencils, a geographical globe, tracing papers, drawing size plain papers.


Make copies of test and examples from work book for instructional handouts.

Use internet to print local maps and images.


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