World Religions Name: Institutional Affiliation: World Religions WEEK 6 JUDAISMCosmogony - Origin of the UniverseDerived from Greek and originally from the Hebrew, the ludaismus shows the Judean ethnos. Judaism is based on the belief that all forms of life and origin were from God’s creation. Significant depiction is from the Rabbanic Judaism hailed from the delivery of commandments to the people. All of the religion’s history alludes to the guided provisions and markings through His powers, as well as having total control over it.Nature of God/CreatorUnder the Tanakh, God is portrayed as the origin of everything. There is despondence on the nature of being immanent or rather transcendent. Judaism offers insight into God as the ultimate leader, creator, authority and center of the universe. The religion`s source of being is based on God`s presence as well as historical dealings with the Jewish ancestry.View of Human NatureThe Maimonides’ principle of faith, which, is the thirteenth points to 12 century teachings on human principles of wickedness. Raavad reviews also show that apostasy and Jewish law were particular with human evils. Under Judaism, human nature is viewed as second fiddle to that of God’s basing. Through the covenant between man and God, human nature was established as dominion over the earth as well as having the Torah as the symbol of the above. View of Good and EvilGood and evil under Judaism is established as fr...