Section 1: Introduction and background
Indicate why you have selected this specific topic and highlight either the disease burden or public health challenges it poses on the population. It is important set the background for what you will be discussing at this stage. You are encouraged to select a specific setting so as to focus the discussion. This setting could be national or regional, this is because you may likely find relevant materials pertaining to policies and interventions in these settings.
Section 2: Discussion of the literature Discuss what you have found in your literature search on existing policies and interventions addressing the issues on the chosen topic. This has to be evidence based and supported by relevant literature. You can provide ‘real life/case study’ examples of any policies, strategies, and interventions in practice; for example, how a national policy on Polio in Nigeria was developed in response to a polio outbreak in the certain parts of Nigeria, and to meet the WHO polio elimination target.
Section 3: Analysis and discussion Analyse the extent to which the policies, strategies and interventions discussed in the previous section were carried out, drawing upon critical perspectives addressed in the sessions as well as those encountered from the assigned further reading. In your analysis, you are expected to highlight any relevant changes observed. Has there been any formal review or evaluation? Where success has been limited, why might this be? Are there any identified barriers or facilitators to successful implementation? The soundness of your arguments, the range of critical evidence you are able to mobilise and creativity and clarity in delivery will be considered when assessing your work.
Section 4: Conclusion and Recommendations Look at the overall picture and conclude about the effectiveness of the policies, strategies, and interventions that you have discussed. Based on what we can learn from this, can you come up with recommendations for future new or continuing policies, strategies, and interventions to address the issues.
Perhaps you might identify the need for further research. Is there anything that you can suggest or recommend to professionals / practitioners that might support them in their practice?