Self-Assessment for Career Success
- Describe your personal and professional journey in the Leadership program as this relates to the mastered competencies impacting your own career, organization, and industry. Consider your ability to continue that journey by staying up-to-date on organization, industry, and world trends that may impact your career.
- Analyze your capacity to grow and develop as a leader using co-production and “we” situations to enhance leadership relationships in various environments. Consider “we” situations enabled by Web 2.0 technology that enhances leadership relationships in virtual, global, and culturally diverse environments.
- Explain your personal leadership approach to creating adaptive systems that enhance organization capacity to innovate and change.
- Explain your personal application of theory and best practices in leading and developing people in an organization.
- Differentiate strategic leadership practices from other leadership practices. Pay particular attention to the role of leadership in creating and infusing sustaining values in organizations.
- Analyze your personal leadership effectiveness for leading in “we” environments that are virtual, diverse, and global.
- Evaluate your personal level of effectiveness in using technology in a leadership role.
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Cross, R., Ehrlich, K., Dawson, R., & Helferich, J. (2008). Managing collaboration: Improving team effectiveness through a network perspective. California Management Review, 50(4), 74–98.
Fiol, C. M., & O’Connor, E. J. (2005). Identification in face-to-face, hybrid, and pure virtual teams: Untangling the contradictions. Organization Science, 16(1), 19–32.
Kamenetz, A. (2013, October 29). Are you competent? Prove it. The New York Times, p. 26.
Kennedy, F. A., Loughry, M. L., Klammer, T. P., & Beyerlein, M. M. (2009). Effects of organizational support on potency in work teams: The mediating role of team processes. Small Group Research, 40(1), 72–93.
Kotter, J. P. (2012). Accelerate! Harvard Business Review, 90(11), 44–58.
McLaughlin, S., & Paton, R. A. (2008). Defining a knowledge strategy framework for process aligned organizations: An IBM case. Knowledge and Process Management, 15(2), 126–139.
Senge, P., Hamilton, H., & Kania, J. (2015). The dawn of system leadership. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 13(1), 26–33.
Stanford Social Innovation Review. (2014). Leading systems: Supplement to the article “The Dawn of System Leadership.” Retrieved from
Cheese, P., Silverstone, Y., & Smith, D. Y. (2009). Creating an agile organization. Retrieved from
Kotter International. (2012). Leadership tip: It’s how you act, not your position [Video]. Retrieved from
Kotter International. (2012). Confident leadership, outside the comfort zone [Video]. Retrieved from
McKinsey & Company. (2015). How Dow reinvented itself [Video]. Retrieved from
Stanford Graduate School of Business. (2011). Alan Mulally of Ford: Leaders must serve, with courage [Video]. Retrieved from
Stanford Graduate School of Business. (2012). Stanley McChrystal: Leadership is a choice [Video]. Retrieved from