UFC Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Question 1 Should the UFC expand to China? Consider the potential value to doing so as well as the risks in your answer. UFC covers at least 145 countries. Its venture into China would be good value because of the massive Chinese population, which will offer huge viewership for the same. China is also a new, untapped market, with huge potential. This is because it is a rapidly growing economy. The main risks involved with UF.C’s expansion into China are the nature of reception. For one, the Chinese are very conservative and appreciative of their own products. There is bound to be resistance in embracing foreign products and services, which UFC has to contend with. Secondly, UFC should tread carefully when it comes to the content it airs, since this is a very different culture, and might reject anything they deem culturally unpalatable. Question 2 Analyze the relationship among corporate structure, corporate governance and corporate strategy: What is the UFC’s corporate level strategy? Be sure to define any key terms. The corporate structure of an organization plays an important role in how its management, or distribution of authority, is done. This is the basis of corporate governance, which extensively alludes to the components, procedures and relations by which partnerships are controlled a