NameInstructor`s nameCourse numberDateStarting an import/export businessCountries are endowed with different commodities and their demand in other countries stimulates international trade. Imports account for a large share of international trade because some commodities are much cheaper when imported, others are unavailable in the importing country while others are considered classier when exported (Africa Business Pages).Question 1-Preliminary research on possible import/export activities in Kenya, AfricaPreliminary research is essential in covering the gaps in information about an area that has not been explored (Kim, 302). During preliminary research, the computer technology industry in Kenya captured my attention. This is because Africa is adopting computerization at a fast rate and there is a great demand for computers particularly lap top computers. Most government departments in Kenya including the judiciary and the legislature are using digital technology in their proceedings. Soon, all sectors in the country shall be running on a digital platform. Currently, the United Arab Emirates takes the lion share of the African computer imports market and the overall market turnover for this industry is estimated at US $ 1 billion annually (Africa Business Pages n.p.). Another reason why the technology industry got my attention is because Kenya is yet to advance to the international standard of computer manufacturing and harness the capacity to develop information technology hardware and accessories. It also apparent Kenya might take a while longer before attaining technological capacity that matches the leaders in this field. This means that in the meantime, Kenya is going to satisfy its demand for computers through imports from countries such as Korea, America and the United Arab Emirates.The industry also caught my attention due to the fact that Ken...