Supporting a safe environment discussion post
I am listing three discussion postings and i need you to response to them individually.In your responses to the posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree. 1)Carolyn stated that: Maintaining a safe environment for the Alzheimer`s patient that is being cared for at home is imperative for the safety of the patient as well as the caregiver`s peace of mind. Wondering is a huge safety issue. Patient` often head out to go somewhere and then have no idea where they are going so they just keep going. Often times they end up lost when attempting to return home. Education on safety for the Alzheimer`s patient would be as follows: Keep area and pathways free of clutter from room to room so the patient can roam freely and safely. Placing locks on exit doors high or low keeps them out of sight and out of mind. Child safety door knobs can be used as well. (locks and safety knobs should only be used when a caregiver is present in case of an emergency). Installing safety devises to prevent windows from opening all the way, and simple alarms that ring or sound when doors or windows are opened. Do not keep departure items such as coats, hats, keys, etc. in plain sight. Writing patients name and address inside clothing. Notify neighbors and or places of business the situation. Keep worn clothing of the patient in a bag for situation that a rescue dog may be needed. Always have a recent photo available. If at all possible, never leave a patient with Alzheimer`s alone or unattended. Contact your local Alzheimer Association about their Safe Return program. These are just a few suggestions for safety. Providing information on support systems for the families will also help to relieve caregiver stress and provide additional information for family and friends. Providing caregivers with information on support groups will be essential in helping the family with questions that may come up later and give added information regarding adult day care, social worker for finances, placement if and when it is needed, and support groups for emotional support. There are many on line resources to guide families to in person support such as The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation @ 2)Shauna posted this: "The major focus of nursing management is to help the client and caregiver maintain the highest possible quality of life by supporting mental and physical functions and ensuring safety" (Timby & Smith, 2010). Because alzheimer`s is a progressive disease that may not show strong symptoms in the beginning, it is a hard disease for both the patient and caregiver to accept. It is difficult for the patient to accept their loss of independence and difficult for the caregiver to accept that their loved one is losing memory and function. Maintaining a healthy safe enviorment will help reduce the stress on the caregiver. If safety measures are ment and implemented it will help put the caregivers mind at ease. There are many areas of safety that need to be considered. The challenge is to balance a desire to keep individuals with dementia as functional as possible against the hazards posed by their cognitive decline, which may include poor judgment, difficulty with spatial perception and inability to react appropriately (Alzheimer`s Foundation of America, 2013). Locks on the door that are at different heights and different types will slow down or possibly keep keep them from getting out. An alarm system would be another great way to keep the patient safe inside so they can not wander and get lost or hurt. According to the Alzheimer`s Foundation of America, 2013, "people with dementia need a quiet, orderly environment, it is critical to address factors such as noise, color and lighting." Removing rugs, reducing different elevations, improving lighting and removing clutter will be helpful to prevent injury and accidents. Keeping patients in there normal routines as much as possible will help lessen confusion and frustration. Preparing the patients meals for them or bringing in meals on wheels will keep patient from turning on the stove and forgetting to shut it off reducing the risk for fire or injury. Having a maid come in to do light duty cleaning so the patient is not attempting to dust or clean things themselves will reduce a chance of possible injury. Having a nurse come in to organize medications, help with hygiene needs and ADL`s will reduce the risks of medication over dose, not taking their needed medicine at all and possible infection from lack of proper hygiene care. If the patient is at advanced stages it may be best to have a 24 hour caregiver or in an assisting living/long term care facility to ensure safety and proper care. It is important for families and caregivers to research their resources available to them in their area. Visiting with doctors, nurses and researching online will be helpful in deciding what is available to you. The Alzheimer`s Foundation of America is a good resource to educate caregivers on the disease, the process and things to look for and do. This website will also help find local resources in your area. Using an adult day care program to give the caregiver a break and allow the patient to have socail interaction with others. Utilizing in home care, meals on wheels or other meal delivery systems are other resources that should be taken advantage of or looked into. Family and friends of other caregivers caring for loved ones with alzheimers will be a great support system. They will understand what the caregiver is experiencing and may have advice and other resource options. 3)Karma posted this: Caregiver stress is very common when families are faced with attempting to care for an ill loved one. There are ways to help reduce some of the stress and fatigue though. It is difficult many times for family members to work jobs and to try to keep track of care of the ill loved one. There are many resources available for the caregiver like support groups, support lines, local hospitals give classes on different types of care, home health care is available for times that the caregiver needs to work, and also there is what is known as adult daycare. I personally like the idea of the adult daycare because this not only provides a safe environment for the patient but also the ability to socialize and to partake in different activities. Also medications and treatments are given at these sites. With Alzheimer`s there is the difficulty with dealing with wandering and this comes from simply not being able to supervise them every second of everyday. The Mayo Clinic gave these descriptions: “Adult social day service. This kind of adult day service provides social activities, meals and recreation. Limited health care services also might be provided. For example, a staff member might be able to remind your loved one when it`s time to take his or her medication. Adult day health care service. This kind of adult day service provides social activities and meals as well as intensive health care services and therapy for people who have severe health issues or need medical attention throughout the day. Some programs provide care for people who have a variety of conditions, while other centers specialize in caring solely for people who have dementia, mental illnesses or a developmental disability.” This site also gives some different ideas about how to reduce stress for the patient and the caregiver: Schedule wisely. Establish a routine to make each day more predictable and less confusing. Schedule the most difficult tasks, such as bathing or medical appointments, for the time of day when your loved one tends to be most calm and agreeable. Take your time. Expect things to take longer than they used to. Schedule more time to complete tasks so that you don`t need to hurry your loved one. Involve your loved one. Allow your loved one to do as much as possible with the least amount of assistance. For example, perhaps your loved one can dress alone if you lay out the clothes in the order they go on. Limit choices. The fewer the options, the easier it is to decide. For example, provide two outfits to choose between — not a closet full of clothes. Eliminate belts or accessories that are likely to be put on incorrectly. Provide simple instructions. When you ask your loved one to do something, do it one step at a time. Reduce distractions. Turn off the TV and minimize other distractions at mealtime and during conversations so that your loved one can better focus on the task at hand” The American Family Physician states that: “Support groups are popular outlets for caregivers. One study3 revealed that educational support was most beneficial to caregivers when it was problem-focused, such as on behavioral management.” “For many caregivers, much of their burden is related to feelings of loneliness or isolation. Specific groups such as the Breakaway program are designed to supplement traditional support groups by providing informal recreational and social activities with a peer group of caregivers who are experiencing similar stresses.”
Response Post: Response to Classmates` Posts Name Institution Post One: Carolyn Carolyn`s post highlights the safety measures that caregivers of Alzheimer`s patients should take to prevent the patients from getting lost, and in the case they get lost, of getting rescuing them safely. The post is informative and easy to understand as it includes only relevant facts and states the safety measures in a straightforward manner. However, Carolyn`s post lacks clarity on some points, which I think should have been elaborated a little more. Fore instance, she states that caregivers should keep the patient`s clothes in a bag for situations where a dog may be needed. She could be clearer if she explained how the clothes may help trace the patient using a d...