 Synthesise and present a solution to specific e-Buisness /e-Hospitality/e-Tourism application

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  Assessment Record form and Marking Grid

FdA Business, Hospitality and Tourism Management


Student name:

Assessment No:

Module Level:

Module Tutor:


2 of 2

HE 2



Assessment Method:


Date of submission:

E-Business and Web Design

Practical Project - Website


Presentation Slides

12 May 2016


5 page website and 15 minute presentation

Learning outcomes assessed:

  • Synthesise and present a solution to specific e-Buisness /e-Hospitality/e-Tourism application
  • Design a web-based application to professional standards

Skills Mapped:

As listed in the Course Handbook


Assessment Criteria



Actual %


Areas of Improvement

Present and apply an e-business model for a e-business/e-hospitality/e-tourism of your choice





Create a website designed with appropriate application tools and requirements for your chosen business such as online reservations, bookings, delivery, orders. (These tools do not have to be fully functioning or live)





Self Presentation – please see hand in guidelines. Marks will be deducted for poor spelling & grammar, lack of in-text referencing and incorrectly formatted bibliography, and failure to follow netiquette protocol





Deductions: Late Submission





Total mark out of







Subject to ratification at the validating University Subject Board


Please note that all assessment may be subjected to a viva voce





Assignment Brief


You have just been appointed as assistant manager in a Business / Hospitality / Tourism industry (This organisation should be different to everybody else’s, who wants to expand their business on E-commerce.


You have been challenged with the following requirements:


  • Prepare an oral proposal presentationusing Power point/ Prezi /Pecha kucha for E-commerce to cover the following:
    • E-strategy
      • How you are going to integrate E-commerce strategy within your existing business
      • E-marketing
        • How to use electronic communications to differentiate services and products?
        • Use appropriate framework for e-marketing.
      • Customer relationship management (CRM)
        • What is the balance between online and offline investment for customer acquisition?
        • What technologies to be used to build the online relationship?
        • What technologies to be used to maintain the online relationship?
      • Implementation
        • State the implementation strategy and how security and privacy elements will be integrated.


Ensure you reference your theories appropriately in the Harvard style and bibliography.


  • Prepare a pilot version of a website for your new E-commerce business proposal that is to be demonstrated. The website does NOT have to be launched as “live” or fully functional at this stage but any navigation tools and hyperlinks must be working.


  • Site structure
    • Your website must have a minimum of 5 pages
    • The content must be appropriate for your proposed business
    • Features that you may wish to incorporate could include:
      • Information on Products
      • Customer service
      • Online booking
      • Location
      • Social Media
      • Navigation
        • Web site menu
        • Banners
        • Links to affiliates  

Keep the target group in mind and Be creative to attract customers to your site.
Submission on Moodle


Presentation materials and website content (website content can be via a working URL or web pages saved as a pdf file). Make sure that you include the web address (URL) to access your website. This could be included as a last page of your presentation. Make sure that it can be accessed without password etc. If not include the username and password.


Tools to build a website


There are various different tools you can use to build your website including:

  • Online free web site builders – Please see separate list
  • Word
  • Power point
  • Publisher
  • Dream Weaver


Please only use the tools that you are most confident with – there will not be time during the lesson to give you any in depth tutorials on how to use all these tools, although there is plenty of information available online.





Should you be required to resit this module you will need to submit via email (to the subject tutor) a reworked version of this assessment with an additional paragraph in the introduction to stating the changes you have made based on feedback received.


The deadline for resubmission of this work - please see your tutor





  • Your assignment will be structured as per the formal requirements of the assignment brief.  The presentation and website content will be word-processed.
  • Text, images, animation, or video media if used and any hyperlinks should be working.
  • The completed presentation need to be recorded onto a media and posted to the address provided.
  • Presentation slides and the correct feedback sheet must be submitted via Moodle
  • Include your web site address link in your presentation. Make sure it works.



  • The Harvard Referencing System will be used conventionally to identify all secondary research


  • A conventional and complete Bibliography using the Harvard Referencing System will be included.


  • For a level 4 module assessment, a minimum of six (6) references should be used.


  • For a level 5 module assessment, a minimum of ten (10) references should be used.


  • For a level 6 module assessment, a minimum of fifteen (15) references should be used.


  • Please note that you are NOT allowed to include any reference from the Wikipedia website or from lecturer notes – your assessment may be adversely graded if Wikipedia or lecturer notes features in the referencing or Bibliography.


  • Suspected plagiarism offences will be referred to the Programme Manager and as appropriate formal warnings and University regulations will be applied.




  • You may go 10% above or below the word count stated in the assessment brief.
    • Example: 2500 + 10% = 2750 or – 10% = 2250.
  • Tutors will mark the word count stated in the assessment brief (plus or minus the 10% above or below).


    • Example: Tutors will mark to 2750 or 2250 as normal and without penalty.
  • Tutors will not continue to mark any work above and beyond the word count in the assessment brief (plus or minus the 10% above or below).  You will be penalised based on the remaining work being unread and unmarked.  You will not receive feedback or marks for this part of your work.


    • Example: if you have written 3500 instead of 2500 you will not be marked on the additional 750 words and it will not be taken into consideration in the grades or feedback.


The word count does include:

The word count doesn’t include:


Data Tables (numbers)

Tables with text (words)









Title Page & Contents Page



Example Bibliography



  • Grbich, C. (2007). Qualitative Data Analysis: an introduction. London, Sage Publications Ltd.


  • Hart, C. (2005). Doing your Masters Dissertation. London, Sage Publications Ltd.


Journal Articles

  • Abdullah, F. (2006). "Measuring Service Quality in higher education: HEdPERF versus SERVPERF." Marketing Intelligence and Planning 24(1): 31-47.


  • Bignold, D. (2006). "Schooled and Tooled." Caterer & Hotelkeeper 10th August 2006: 23-26.





Oral Presentation Guidelines


Appearance - Dress appropriately for the type of presentation


Eye contact - Try to make eye contact with everyone in the audience at least once


Body Language - Beware of what your body is saying (be aware of your stance and posture).


Confidence - Develop your presentation skills prior to the presentation not at it.  Use note cards and brief notes rather than reading a complete presentation.


Time keeping - Keep to the time limit.  Please use ALL of your time and use it effectively.  You will be penalised if your presentation is under or over by 10% of the time guideline.  (e.g. 20 minute presentation = 18 – 22 minutes). 


Volume, Diction and Pace - Please make sure that your audience can hear you but not too loud and that they can understand you. Make sure that you do not speak too slowly or too quickly.


Clear Introduction - to be given with aim and objectives (if necessary).


Logical Sequence of material - ensure that the material is in a logical order.


Depth of research - Ensure that the depth of research is appropriate for the level of study.


Use of visual aids - Please consider the use of methods other than PowerPoint, for example Prezi, Poster Presentations, Concept Boards.


If using PowerPoint, consider the:

  • Design of slides. Quality of slides. Number of words on a slide. Font Size, minimum size 20.
  • Colour combinations ( make sure that they are legible on the background)


Bibliography - You are required to provide a bibliography at the end of your presentation in the Harvard style.


References - Please ensure you use in-text referencing.


Managing the audience - Build a rapport and involve the audience and be able to answer questions.


Teams - If working as a team, share the presentation roles equally. (Please see group work protocol)




Oral Presentation Evaluation


Student`s Name











Target for improvement









Managing Self









Eye Contact




Body Language








Time Management




Clarity Of Voice, Tone and Pace




Managing Materials





Clear Introduction




Logical Sequence Of Material




Depth Of Research




Use Of Visual Aids




Managing Audience





Rapport With Audience




Involvement Of Audience




Ability To Handle Questions




Overall Comments
















FdA Business/ Hospitality/ Tourism Management


Module: E-Business and Web design


Assessment: 2 of 2



Tutor:            Lekha Bharam                               Level: 2                                 Credit Points:  10


In order for a student to gain:

30 – 39%, they must:

  • Outline basic stages for plans for E-commerce
  • Set objectives of E-commerce
  • Outline basic technology needed for E-commerce
  • Prepare basic layout for WEB site
  • Prepare plan for basic features of web site
  • Create correct bibliography of at least 2 resources


In addition to the above, for a student to achieve 40 – 49%, they must:

  • Prepare detailed plan for E-commerce
  • Defined E-marketing for chosen business
  • Evaluate and assess marketing communications
  • Suggest technology for CRM
  • Create basic WEB site
  • Create correct bibliography of at least 3 resources

In addition to the above, for a student to achieve 50 – 59%, they must:

  • Define vision and mission of chosen E-commerce
  • Prepare E-marketing plan
  • Explain and suggest CRM strategy
  • Create WEB site with all requirements for E-commerce
  • Create correct bibliography with at least 4 resources

In addition to the above, for a student to achieve 60 – 69%, they must:

  • Assess competitive threats
  • Prepare product development strategy
  • Prepare implementation plan
  • Prepare suggestions for implementation of above proposals
  • Create advanced WEB site with appropriate tools include security
  • Create correct bibliography with at least 5 resources

In addition to the above, for a student to achieve 70%+, they must:

  • Prepare alternative E-commerce strategy
  • Prepare proposal plan for future development
  • Intermediary analysis
  • Propose tactics
  • Create correct bibliography using Harvard style referencing



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