Education Law Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Education Law Activity 2: Finding the admission and exit conditions in my state Step 1: State of California California State statute for admission requirements for public schools: California (CA) Education Code Section 48200-48208 California State exit exam requirements: Senate Bill 172 Step 2: California State education regulations for admission requirements for public schools California State education regulation for admission requirements for public schools: Senate Bill 277 California State exit exam requirements: Senate Bill 172 Step 3: five questions Question 1 The admission requirements for the state of California include vaccination or immunization requirements. On 1st July 2016, the new vaccination law went into effect in the State of California. This new law is called Senate Bill 277. Before this new rule was enacted, parents in California were not required to immunize their children. Even so, following the passage of this vaccination law, if a child wants to attend child care centres and private or public schools, it is mandatory for the child to be immunized against ten serious communicable illnesses. If children are not vaccinated, they have to be enrolled in independent study without classroom teaching or homeschooled. The rule says that public or private secondary schools, elementary schools, preschools and child care centres in California cannot admit any child unless that child is immu...