THE BALANCED SCORECARD ORGANIZATIONS: bus 499 mod 1 slp. bus499mod1slp
Module_1_SLP.docx Module_1_SLP_R1.docx MOD1_SLPBalancedScorecardForPublicAndNonprofitSectors.pdf The purpose of the Session Long Project in TUI University courses is to give you the opportunity to explore the applicability of the Module to your own life, work, and place in space and time, and to experiment with the Module to see how the otherwise academically rigorous presentation of a topic may, with more or less work and/or trauma, become "up close and personal". This is done in a number of different ways -- sometimes cumulative papers, sometimes practical hands-on experimentation with a tool of some sort, sometimes reflections on a place of work or life. The common thread is personal application, aimed at demonstrating a cumulative knowledge and understanding of the course`s material. For this course, the Project will take the form of putting together background from each of the perspectives for a balanced scorecard approach to an organization or organizational unit with which you are familiar. You`re not building a complete balanced scorecard -- that would be far beyond our current scope – but you`ll have a chance to see what goes into it and how it gets put together into a coordinated whole. As in the cases, you`ll be drawing on your previous course work to help. The Module 1 assignment has two parts. First, you need to identify an organization to which you have access to at least some information concerning financial data; staffing and human resource systems; marketing and customer relations; information systems; and operations. While most material on the Balanced Scorecard is written from the private, for-profit point of view, it`s perfectly possible to use this approach with public or non-profit organizations as well; click here for some guidance on how this can be done. For the second part of this assignment, consider the organization`s mission and strategy from the perspective of its financial operations (from your work on the case, your previous course work, and your background reading, you should be reasonably clear what such operations are). In this section of the assignment you`ll begin to identify objectives and measures relevant to that perspective. If you`re unclear on just what objectives and measures are, here is a presentation that describes what they are and how to write them. Assignment Expectations: When you have thought about it and made your selection, please specify: • The name of your organization • What this organization does – its mission, vision and overall strategy • The access you have to information about this organization -- remember, you`ll need information about its financial performance, marketing, internal operations, strategy, and management systems. Once you`re reasonably clear on what`s involved, think about your organization and its finances, and then: • Identify at least three objectives for improving the organization`s financial position, and show how they relate to the mission, vision and strategy of the organization. • For each objective, develop at least one meaningful performance measure (metric). • For each objective, identify at least one expected level of performance (target). • For each objective, identify at least one new action or program that needs to be developed to ensure successful implementation of the organization`s strategy (initiative). Here`s a table that you may wish to copy and fill in: Objective Measure Target Action ================ Public and non-profit organizations and the balanced scorecard Analyzing a public or non-profit organization using the balanced scorecard differs from the more common profit-oriented model mostly in terms of some minor vocabulary differences and somewhat different emphases – more emphasis on the accomplishment of the mission, less on financial control and return. There`s a very good discussion of these differences available at: Niven, Paul R. (2008). Adapting the Balanced Scorecard to fit the public and nonprofit sectors. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from If you have any questions about taking this tack with your exercise please let your instructor help you work it out.
THE BALANCED SCORECARD ORGANIZATIONS Introduction Balanced scorecard has been explained as one of the strategic management tools in modern government and non-government organizations. It is one of the tools that managers are required to use for tracking the operations of the activities by the staff within the companies and non-profit organizations to monitor the consequences resulting from these actions. This article explains the use of this concept in management of Unga Limited in Kenya. 1. Introduction to the organization Unga Group is a parastatal that is involved in production of various types of floors in Kenya. These include maize floor, wheat flour and baking floor. The most demanded type of floor produced is maize floor. This is because it is a highly consumed product by local Kenyans. The objective of the company is to generate profit to meet the wages of its employees as well as improve the welfare of the organization. The organization is a profit making organization; hence the main objective is to make profit to meet its daily processes. 2. Mission, vision and overall strategy The mission of organization is to be the leading producer of flour such as maize floor and wheat flour in Kenya and the whole of East Africa. Its other mission is to be the leading producer of whet flour and baking powders in the region. It is also aimed at minimizing the cost of production as well as attaining maximum profits. It is also aimed at offering training to prospective in...