HealthCare Delivery in U.S: Course workStudent:Professor:Course title:Date:Question 1The geographic maldistribution of health practitioners and in particular, their concentration in urban regions has subsequently led to shortage of physicians in rural areas. The issue has been significant in the political and welfare aspects not only in United States but also in other states around the world. Much of the physician distribution in United States has been greatly influenced by political, economic and social factors. Other factors include the background of the physician and the level of income in each particular place. While there are physicians who would like to work near places they accustomed to, there are those who would go to places that have higher remunerations. Cullison et al (2009) explains that physician factors such as the specialty of the physician, gender and the physician`s experience influences their preferences in practicing their profession in specific areas. The author points out that being male or an individual`s experience as well as having a primary care specialty contributed greatly to the willingness of the physician to practice in other regions other than in urban areas.Question2 The increasing cost of health and affordable insurance coverage are crucial issues that have faced employers, purchasers, politicians, health care providers and the live of citizens in America. Although...