The proposed management information system design
The intricacy of information processing in health institutions is barely credible due to the elevated complexity of their processes and structures. Nearly every staff of a health facility has a vast demand for information that must be populated and retrieved to ensure for efficient and top of the bar patient care. The amount of data generated, therefore, is in significantly large volumes. The caregivers in the health industry are dependent on this data to offer personalized excellent patient care effectively. In order to attain high-quality care for the patient, different expert groups like nurses, physicians, and the administrative staff, have to cooperate, communicate and work closely and seamlessly. New Century Health Center is a medium sized clinic that is faced with the challenge of unifying their data. As the customer base grows, the Clinic is faced with the need to automate. Most often, an enormous amount of time is wasted as patients’ files are retrieved from the Clinic’s registry department and often patient’s health history plays a huge role in the kind of care they need. As a result, data misplacement is a common problem that repeatedly leads to below standard care. This paper seeks to analyze the situation at New Century Health Center in order to offer the top management a design proposal for an Information Management System that addresses the data problem at the Clinic as well as support the clinics operations and possible expansion.
Introduction and problem analysis
The intricacy of information processing in health institutions is barely credible due to the elevated complexity of their processes and structures (Ammenwerth, et al, 2002. P. 134). Nearly every staff of a health facility has a vast demand for information that must be populated and retrieved to ensure for efficient and top of the bar patient care. New Century Health and Fitness Centre is a healthcare facility that focuses on preventive medicine by assisting their patients to sustain health and fitness as well as offering conventional medical care. The Clinic is situated in a busy city in California and is made up of four physicians, three registered nurses, and six administrative workers. Currently, the Clinic has a client base of 3500 patients working for 275 diverse employers. Most of these employers have their employees’ health, and wellness insured and the Clinic accepts 34 diverse insurance policies (Shelly, Cashman, & Rosenblatt, 2001).
Founded five years ago, the clinic is as a result of a mutual goal to combine practices of Californian based cardiologists, Dolores Garcia and Timothy Jones. New Century is now based in Brea, California. Since the Clinic’s inception, Anita Davenport has been the office manager supervising five office staff: Carla Herrera, Fred Brown, Lisa Sung, Susan Gifford, and Tom Capaletti. The Clinic’s tax reporting, payroll and profits distribution among the associates is handled by Fred Brown, while Susan Gifford handles and maintains patient records (Shelly, Cashman, & Rosenblatt, 2001, P. 553). Tom Capaletti is in charge of most of the paperwork pertaining accounting and insurance reporting. On the other hand, Lisa Sung’s primary responsibility is maintaining the appointment book, handling patient reminder calls and updating daily appointments, as Carla Herrera handles the Clinic’s the procurement and clinic supplies. Though each staff has their primary roles, they help with insurance, patient records and appointment processing when required.
The proposed management information system design
The Clinic’s directors, Dolores Garcia and Timothy Jones need an office automation system that supports an array of office processes improving workflow among workers and one that doubles as a communications and collaboration system allowing more effective communication among staff, customers, and directors (Ammenwerth et al 2002, P. 135). The proposed system for the Clinic is an automated in-house development system aimed at reducing the swelling workload, centralizing, and streamlining the business operation (Whitten & Bentley, 2004).
In the proposed system, all patient records, claims, and appointments will be easily accessible without the need to track files or the appointment ledger. This will make the appointment process simpler and must quicker. In order to ensure a smooth workflow without interruption, the proposed system will be installed parallel to the existing model. Below is a context diagram of how the Clinic’s entities will utilize the system