Student Name Professor Name Subject The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Concisely, Robert Stevenson published the novel in “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in 1886. The mystery thriller novel is about a certain respectable man who in his laboratory takes occasionally takes a potion to become a dark and evil individual. The novel begins with the lawyer (Mr. Utterson) who with his relative Mr. Enfield are on a walk. After walking past a door, Mr. Enfield remembers ascertain sad story that he tells his relative Mr. Utterson. The story is about a brutal man who knocks down a young girl, after a aloud yelled from onlookers, the man disappears into a door and after a short while he comes back with a cheque signed by one prominent man. The cheque signer is disclosed as Dr. Jekyll and the man who knocked down the young woman is no other than Mr. Hyde. It turns out that Mr. Utterson is Dr. Jekyll’s lawyer since Dr. Jekyll instructed Mr. Utterson that in case of an event of his death or disappearance, his state should be handed down to Mr. Hyde. The suspicious Lawyer about his client’s activities with Mr. Hyde prompts Him to follow the whole mystery. He hunts Mr. Hyde down to a certain house that is adjacent to Dr. Jekyll is and finds Mr. Hyde. He notes that Mr. Hyde is undefinably ugly and deformed man but despite his surprise, Mr. Hyde offers Mr. Utterson his address to visit someday. Dr. Jekyll remains in privacy and refuses t...