Transformative Works and Cultures, Vol 14 (2013)
Book review
Genre, reception, and adaptation in the "Twilight" Series, edited by Anne Morey
[0.1] Keywords—Antifandom; Fan studies; Film adaptation; Genre; Reception studies; Romance
Retartha, Amanda. 2013. Genre, Reception, and Adaptation in the "Twilight" Series, edited by Anne Morey [book review]. Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 14.
Anne Morey, ed. Genre, Reception, and Adaptation in the "Twilight" Series. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 2012. $99.95 (236P) ISBN 978-1-4094-3661-4.
[1] Given the recent surge of mainstream and scholarly meditations on Fifty Shades of Grey and its origins in the Twilight fan fiction community, the release of an edited volume that, in part, examines the generic problems of romance in Twilight as well as the complexities of its fandom is, for an academic publication long in the works, incredibly good timing. Though an essay on Fifty Shades wouldn`t be out of place among the collection that editor Anne Morey has brought together in Genre, Reception, and Adaptation in the "Twilight" Series (April 2012, Ashgate), this volume covers plenty of ground as it is, engaging with everything from Jane Eyre to Lacanian psychoanalysis in an effort to explore Twilight`s cultural position from points both close to the text and deep in the heart of fandom. Its goal appears to be to take a wide view and put some of the loudest gripes from the series` detractors—its perceived antifeminism and support of Mormon values, its neutering of the vampire novel, and its attraction of young, rabid, and/or unsophisticated fans—into a more balanced perspective, foregrounding the text`s productive possibilities and reading its popularity as proof enough of the stakes at play.
[2] Morey has divided the 13-essay collection into three parts, signaling those divisions in her introduction rather than providing any definitive breaks or section headings. The first section focuses primarily on genre and gender, and comprises six essays, including Morey`s own contribution; the second section, with four essays, examines the reception of the series and its fandom, with an essay by Matt Hills (Fan Cultures, 2002); and the third section of three essays addresses filmic and international adaptations of the text. Though clearly a top-heavy volume (almost to a fault), concepts introduced in that first, long section, like fulfilled and subverted generic expectations, the reader-narrator relationship, and the hierarchy of taste, continue to resurface throughout, justifying Morey`s choice to eschew clear section breaks.
[3] As anyone even peripherally familiar with Twilight knows, the series` final novel, Breaking Dawn, was explosively divisive among readers and is the fuel for some of the most vitriolic criticism of Meyer`s purported conservative agenda. So it`s intriguing, and fitting, that every essay in section one uses Breaking Dawn as the complicating element of its argument. This is in part because Breaking Dawn troubles the series` generic associations as well as its relative feminisms—issues with which five of the six essays engage (with Alexandra Hidalgo`s "Bridges, Nodes, and Bare Life: Race in the `Twilight` Saga" as the outlier).
You have to write an annotated bibliography on effects of adaptation of the twilight series. I have attached work cited page of the all 8 use 6 sources out of the 8 sources to write bibliography .you need to write how a literary device means adaptation is expressed in twilight series.I have attached article so, you can use it as a source.please make sure about double space not more than that. Please use work cited page for need to use 5 movies of twilight series as an need to use one book of twilight .i have attached one article for one source. Thank you