Theatrical evaluation, `Death of a Salesman`
For essay #3, you will be attending a theatrical play (or opera) and writing an evaluative essay about the experience. Please re-read the lecture on criteria and evaluation before attending the play. Your introduction should include a brief introduction to the plot of the play, including the title of the play, who wrote it, and where you saw it performed. Remember that in order to evaluate something, you must have explicit or implicit criteria that you have created or selected that you are using to judge the thing you are evaluating. In this case, evaluating a live performance of a play means that you should select your criteria carefully before going to see the play. Your introduction should give a brief indication of the criteria you selected and your thesis statement should offer a clear statement of your evaluation of the play. The body of the essay will be most productive if you systematically evaluate the play according to the criteria you selected, using different criteria as the basis for creating topic sentences for your body paragraphs. You will also need to include a longer summary of the play`s plot somewhere in the essay, likely in the paragraph following your introduction. (This is not prescriptive, but simply a suggestion of where it may be most effective). Instructions •Each essay must use specific evidence from at least one source other than the play itself. This can include specific textual references (paraphrasing and summarizing) and/or quotes. If you use quotes, the body paragraphs should have no more than two quotes to support your point and analysis. Quotes should be introduced with your own words and be properly cited using MLA format. Each body paragraph should begin and end with your ideas; thus, you need to clearly explain how the quote(s) you chose to use support your ideas. •Remember that a strong introduction includes a brief introduction of the topic and main points, as well as a clear thesis that states the main idea of your essay. •Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence, explanation of the ideas in the paragraph, specific examples to support your explanation (the quotes will be at least part of your example/examples), adequate explanation and analysis of all examples/evidence, and appropriate closure/transitions to finish the paragraph. •The conclusion should restate your thesis and provide a final observation on the topic. •Your essay should have an original title that reflects your topic and argument. •MLA format: MLA stands for Modern Language Association, which provides a format for English papers to follow. The heading and the header are examples of the proper format for MLA style, which you must follow for this essay. The font must be 12 point Times New Roman font. The margins for all MLA formatted papers are one inch (top/bottom and left/right). Your essay should also include a Works Cited page and in-text parenthetical citation. The Works Cited page should follow your essay. Be sure to include an MLA citation of the performance. Performances are cited in particular ways so look it up. •Remember to transition from idea to idea within paragraphs and from paragraph to paragraph using transitional phrases/words, coordinating conjunctions (i.e. FANBOYS), subordinating conjunctions, and prepositional phrases. Also attach an outline please
Name: Course Name:Instructor`s Name:Date of Submission:Theatrical evaluation, “Death of a Salesman”Introduction“The Death of a salesman” is a play written in the 1949 by Arthur Miller an American playwright. The play has received a number of prizes including the Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1949 and another award known as the Tony Award for the Best Play (Miller 34) among others. The Death of a salesman play has premiered on the Broadways a number of times considering the number of performances, the play was seen at Theaters Mall of America. This paper applies the comfort evaluation criteria, and it seeks to analyze the tragic fall of Willey Loman. Main BodyThe plot of the play “The Death of a salesman” focuses on Willy Loman who gets back to her home after a business trip is cancelled. His is worried over the recent car crash and the state of mind. Linda is worried on the travels and requests if Loman could enquire working from a home city. Biff and Happy are sons to Loman and Linda. Biff has poor records in mathematics academic performances although he is talented in sports. The mental conditions of Loman have been in degeneration with constant speaking to himself and vacillations. The two boys are determined in making a business`s proposition to boost the incomes for the family. Biff and Loman do not succeed in the business expedition ending with the firing of Loman on the grounds that he is incapable of representing the company; and therefore needs a bed rest. Biff gets discouraged with the current occurrences and finds him stealing a fountain pen. Charley and Bernard are successful (Miller 102). One evening, Biff, Happy and Loman meet in a r...