To provide you with the skills and knowledge to design and undertake a systematic critical review of published information to inform evidence-based developments in practice

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Evidence based practice guideline methodology – Poster, 1000 word equivalent


2) Develop an evidence based clinical guideline related to your area of practice, 3000 word written assessment


Assignment 1

Develop a poster outlining the question set, and the approach that will be undertaken to produce the evidence based practice guideline. It should set out the question, and the various steps that will be undertaken to develop the guideline. 

•Conference-style poster
•Max 1000 words
•Done as a power point which you save and submit as a pdf file
•Can be done as landscape or portrait in A1 size
•excellent way to showcase your work and are used in a variety of settings, such as conferences and workshops.
•enable you to communicate a summary of work quickly and efficiently in a visually engaging way.
•But don’t spend a lot of time on making it pretty, you still need to get started on the review in the meantime!
It just needs to be clear and address the learning outcomes. 
Poster should include:
•Search strategy
•Approach to critical appraisal and assessment of risk bias
•Approach to synthesising results to develop conclusions
Each stage should have appropriate references!

Typical sections in an academic poster and key points for each:


Make sure if succinctly reflects what the project is about (e.g. How effective are speech and voice treatments in patients with Parkinson’s disease who have undergone deep brain stimulation? : A systematic review protocol)

Name(s) of student and institution

Name, course, university – include this in a subtitle


Brief summary that supports the rationale for your chosen research question. Can be in bullet-points. Start general and work your way more specifically towards the question. You may want to align this with the PICO (or other relevant) framwork


What is your inclusion and exclusion criteria in terms of the type of study designs, participants, outcomes measures.

Search strategy

Describe the key components of your search strategy.

What combination of key terms will you use? Will you also consult the reference lists of included studies? Which databases will you use? How will you select your studies (this will probably just involve one author – you)

Approach to critical appraisal and assessment of risk bias

What tools did you use to critically appraise your studies? (e.g. CASP/STROBE) What types of biases will you assess in your included studies? (E.g. selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition bias, reporting bias see:; 8.2.3, 8.2.4, 8.3 – 8.7)

Approach to synthesizing results

How will you organize the information from your studies and make comparisons in order to form conclusions and recommendations?


In a consistent referencing style

Assignment 2

Produce an evidence based practice guideline on a topic of your choosing, guided by the methodology set out in the first assessment. However, you will be expected to reflect on the feedback provided to strengthen the approach adopted.

•Clearly articulates the rationale behind the research question, the search strategy devised and the papers selected for the critique; 
•Demonstrates understanding of critical appraisal in the context of modern healthcare practice, and the modern healthcare provision environment; 
•Adopts, and rationalises the use of, an appropriate critical appraisal system, focusing on key questions that are relevant to the research being appraised; 
•Draws an objective and logical conclusion based on analysis of the identified strengths and weaknesses. 
•What is included within each section is up to you, but some suggestions and options are provided here.
•When in doubt, consult a published systematic review to see what is done and how it was presented. Published systematic reviews following the Cochrane method are usually a good example.
•Should include maximum 10 papers, these can vary in quality (or might not be very good at all – that’s OK!)
Assignment 2: Components
•Introduction: Places the assignment in the context of the process of evidence based practice and provides a justification for the question posed. Question should be explicit and mapped on to PICO (or alternative framework)
•Search strategy: All the information in the poster, but with more detail.
•Did you need to refine your search strategy?
•For example: limiting results to keywords appearing in the abstract only as opposed to the full text; peer reviewed journals articles only and full text papers; different publication time frames?
•You need to consult the literature and justify your methodology choices with reference to relevant work. For example, what does the literature within Evidence Based Practice say about levels of evidence? What types of studies will you therefore look at? (reference list in handbook, basic text books on evidence based practice and Deni’s presentations are very useful for this point!)
•Consider mapping key search terms across PICO framework with a rationale (see example next slide)
•Consider using tables that show the different databases used, the returned number from each, reasons for discounting and articles included in analyses (see following slide)
•Consider using a prisma flow diagram alternatively to show how many articles were found in total, the reasons for their exclusion at each stage and what you included at the end (see following slide)
•Results: all about the included studies. Which are they? What are their designs? Who are their participants? Can you summarise their findings?
•Critical appraisal of these studies. (CASP/STROBE)
•Asses for biases (Cochrane handbook – also links to CASP). Why are these different biases important? What impact might they have on the results of the studies and your conclusions? Consider presenting a table overview of the level of biases across all your included studies.
•The appraisal framework / critical appraisal tool adopted should be introduced and rationalised. 
•As each article is appraised questions relating to methodological rigour should be prioritised, and the influence of any design strengths / weaknesses on the results obtained and the conclusions that can therefore be drawn should be included

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