1 Understand business finance within a management context
1.1 Explain how to analyse the financial health of an organisation by interpreting a set of accounts and management information
1.2 Explain the uses and limitations of financial ratios
1.3 Explain the uses of statutory financial reports
1.4 Explain the difference between the uses of cost accounting and management accounting
1.5 Explain the benefits and limitations of short-term and long-term financing options
1.6 Explain how to carry out a cost-benefit analysis
2 Understand the commercial implications of managerial decisions
2.1 Analyse the uses of management accounts for decision-making purposes
2.2 Evaluate the importance of break even, contribution and their underlying assumptions
2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of budgetary control methods
2.4 Explain tools and techniques to identify commercial opportunities and risks
2.5 Assess the commercial impact of managerial decisions