This assignment must be Writing an Annotated Bibliography summary- based on ( workforce diversity in Bank )
Word length 2000-2500 words plus or minus 10% ( exc. cover page, contents list and reference list)
Requirements : Writing an Annotated Bibliography as
summary- based on ( workforce diversity in Bank )
From: Head of HR, Major Bank
I’ve always worried that our selection processes for staff working in the bank don’t pay enough attention to workforce diversity. Can you tell me if there is current research that that shows how other banks and financial institutions are addressing this issue, the benefits and risks involved and how we might do better in this area?
outline and explain the following:
* Can you tell me if there is current research that that shows how other banks and financial institutions are addressing this issue ?
* What are banks and financial institutions doing ?
* What are the benefits and risks involved ?
* How we might do better in this area? >>> ( recommendation )
Notice :
Weight: 40%
Requirements : research summary- based on ( workforce diversity in Bank )
Word length 2000-2500 words plus or minus 10% ( exc. cover page, contents list and reference list)
. Writing an Annotated Bibliography
What is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography provides a brief account of the available research on a given topic. It is a list of research sources that includes concise descriptions and evaluations of each source.
The annotation usually contains a brief summary of content and a short analysis or evaluation. An annotated bibliography may be a component of a larger assignment or it may be a stand-alone assignment. While an annotation can be as brief as one sentence, the standard annotated bibliography consists of a citation followed by a short paragraph (see example below).
Purpose of an Annotated Bibliography
Depending on your specific assessment, an annotated bibliography may serve to:
• review the literature of a particular subject
• demonstrate the quality and depth of reading that you have done
• exemplify the scope of sources available—such as journals, books, web sites and magazine articles
• highlight sources that may be of interest to other readers and researchers
• explore and organise sources for further research
Questions to Consider
You need to consider carefully the texts that you select for your annotated bibliography. Keep the following questions in mind to help clarify your choices.
1. What topic/ problem am I investigating?
2. What question(s) am I exploring? Identify the aim of your literature research.
3. What kind of material am I looking at and why? Am I looking for journal articles, reports, policies or primary historical data?
4. Am I being judicious in my selection of texts? Does each text relate to my research topic and assignment requirements?
5. What are the essential or key texts on my topic? Am I finding them? Are the sources valuable or often referred to in other texts?
Which writing style should I use in the annotations?
• Each annotation should be concise. Do not write too much—remember, you are writing a summary, not an essay.
• Background materials and references to previous work by the same author usually are not included. As you are addressing one text at a time, there is no need to cross reference or use in-text citations to support your annotation but you should include the full list of articles in your reference list at the end.
• Unless otherwise stipulated, you should write in full sentences using academic and professional vocabulary.
Contents of an Annotated Bibliography
An annotation may contain all or part of the following elements depending on the word limit and the content of the sources you are examining.
• Provide the full bibliographic citation
• Indicate the background of the author(s)
• Indicate the content or scope of the text
• Outline the main argument – you should not have to re-read the article.
• Indicate the intended audience
• Identify the research methods (if applicable)
• Identify any conclusions made by the author/s – what have they “proved”
• Discuss the reliability of the text
• Highlight any special features of the text that were unique or helpful (charts, graphs etc.)
• Discuss the relevance or usefulness of the text for your research
• Present your view or reaction to the text
About Assessments (cont.)
Structure of Assignment 1: Annotated bibliography
Cover page
Contents List
Introduction: A brief introduction to your assignment, describing the topic and how you have approached it. (approx. 100-150 words)
Bibliography: An annotated bibliography of approximately 150 words for each of the 9 peer reviewed academic research articles. (approx.1300 – 1500 words)
Component mark: 15%
Analysis: An analysis of the overall bibliography comparing and contrasting the articles in terms of key themes, commonalities and differences in their research approaches, and their contributions to practice and a synthesis of your findings. (approx. 800 – 1000 words)
Component mark: 15%
Conclusions and recommendations: A concluding section that draws together your ideas from the articles (based on your analysis and synthesis) and provides clear and logical recommendations for practice that address the issue(s) raised in the initial HR problem (approx. 300 – 400 words)
Component mark: 10%
Reference list ( APA or Harvard)
Additional Advice on Assignment 1
The assignment should be based on ( workforce diversity in Bank ).
Articles chosen must be research- based i.e. provide evidence and findings based on original research conducted by the author(s). Articles that solely review prior literature and do not contain the findings of any original research are not acceptable.
The 9 articles must be from peer reviewed academic journals, preferably (but not necessarily) post 2004.
Articles should be relevant to the topic e.g.
. some articles may discuss psychological testing in terms of job or task fit whereas others may discuss the ramifications for hiring or training appropriate recruitment specialists and others may discuss the effects in terms of attracting job applicants. You will therefore need to assemble a number of articles that collectively address the question posed by the topic.
The 9 journal articles may be listed in any order in the annotated bibliography but should be listed in alphabetic order in the Reference List at the end of your report.
Citations may be Harvard or APA - main requirement is consistency. DOIs should be included with references where available.
The reference details cited before each article summary in your bibliography are not included in the word count.
Sample Annotation
The citation goes first and is followed by the annotation. Make sure that you follow the required citation style (APA or Harvard). The summary needs to be concise (please note the following example is entirely fictitious).
In the sample annotation below, each element is numbered (see Key). These numbers are to aid your understanding and should not appear in your written assignment.
(1) Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W., 2004, ‘Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion’, Journal of Armchair Psychology, vol 113, no.1, pp. 56-64.
(2.) In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation. (3) The authors use data gained through organisational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and whether it is linked to salary growth. (4) Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organisational reward schemes. (5) The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and performance. (6) The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, (7) thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. (8) This article will not form the basis of my research; however it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures. Key
(1) Citation
(2) Introduction
(3) Aims & Research methods
(4) Scope
(5) Usefulness (to your research/ to a particular topic)
(6) Limitations
(7) Conclusions
(8) Reflection (explain how this work illuminates your topic or how it will fit in with your research)
Your annotated bibliography report should be structured as follows (for further information see Assessments overview)
• Cover page
• Contents list
• Introduction
• Bibliography (follow sample annotation style as described above)
• Analysis
• Conclusions and Recommendations
Name of Program Goal No. Objective No. Objective Description Objective Name
Master of Human Resource Management 1 1 Use a series of applied problems in HRM to develop high-level analytical, research, and communication skills that will enhance positive outcomes within organisations. HR Theory and Practice
Name of Program Goal No. Objective No. Objective Description Objective Name
Master of Human Resource Management 1 1 Use a series of applied problems in HRM to develop high-level analytical, research, and communication skills that will enhance positive outcomes within organisations. HR Theory and Practice
(1) Identify appropriate academic literature and resources, including contextual and industry information.
Thorough and up-to-date literature, including seminal articles
Extensive and recent literature Literature is wide-ranging and adequate for the purpose Literature meets basic requirements for the assignment. Minor quality or relevance issues. Literature partial, dated and/or irrelevant to the task. Source quality varies.
(2) Extracts key theories, concepts and findings from academic literature. Excellent description of key concepts, theories and findings in a clear and concise manner Presented most of key concepts, theories and findings the theory in a clear and concise manner Described key concepts, theories and findings but did not do so in a clear and concise manner Described some key concepts, theories and findings but may not differentiate aspects. Superficial in some areas. Poor presentation of evidence of key concepts, theories and findings. Superficial or erroneous in parts.
(3) Develops effective and persuasive arguments that are logical and clearly linked to evidence. Development of insightful and logical arguments in a concise and articulate manner.
Arguments are excellent in terms of clarity and persuasiveness.
Good attempts at the development of insightful and logical arguments in a concise and articulate manner
Arguments are good in terms of clarity and persuasiveness
Adequate attempts at the development of insightful and logical arguments in an adequate manner.
Arguments are adequate in terms of clarity and persuasiveness
Basic attempts at the development of insightful and logical arguments in an adequate manner.
Arguments are basic in terms of clarity and persuasiveness
No reflection and poorly articulated links made between all articles.
Poor attempt at the development of insightful and logical arguments.
(4) Critically evaluates the literature being used
Deep reflection and complex links made between all articles.
Appropriate use of academic references which are expertly used to support arguments throughout. Some reflection and good links made between all articles
Appropriate use of academic references which are well used to support arguments Some reflection and adequate links made between all articles
Evidence of academic references which are used to support arguments Basic reflection and poorly articulated links made between all articles
Basic or no evidence of academic references which are used to support arguments
Little evidence of evidence of academic references which are used to support arguments.
(5) Ability to summarise the literature and apply this to HR practice
Convincing, defendable and clear reasons regarding recommendations for practice Defendable and clear reasons regarding recommendations for practice
Recommendations are nuanced and reflect realities of practice Adequate evidence of reasons regarding recommendations for practice
Recommendations note practical constraints and address them Basic evidence of reasons regarding recommendations for practice
Recommendations note practical constraints Little evidence of reasons regarding recommendations for practice
Recommendations are not pragmatic or practical
(6) Ability to communicate the key aspects of each article through professional expression which includes attention to grammar, spelling and writing style, as well as clear speech. Excellent level of scholarly expression, with few spelling or grammatical errors, no referencing errors, and a well-developed scholarly style of writing.
Very good level of scholarly expression, with few spelling or grammatical errors, few referencing errors, and a developing scholarly style of writing. Good level of scholarly expression, with some spelling or grammatical errors, few referencing errors, and an adequate scholarly style of writing. Basic level of expression with spelling or grammatical errors, and some referencing errors. Poor level of scholarly writing with spelling or grammatical errors, and/or referencing errors