Team Building Article Critique Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: Team Building Article Critique Introduction The first authors of the article are Katherine L. Yeager and Fredrick M. Nafukho, Texas, USA. The authors` title is developing varied teams to improve performance in the tourism industry setting. The author`s main points are the purpose of teams in Organizations in line with the current changes in globalization, inhabitants’ changes, and retiring staff, especially among developed nations, which makes team building to be complicated. The aim of their writing is primary to explore the topic of team range and its performance improvement. The authors have shown how individuals in a tourism industry can become successful team members, despite their various characteristics such as in ethnicity, period, job experience, environment and values (Boss, 1978). The thesis statement of the article places into interest the diversity issues related to individual differences that underlie team formation and gives strategies needed to make effective teams. The purpose of the article According to the authors, Katherine L.Yeager, and Fredrick M. Nafukho, Organizations have continued to depend on teams within an Organization to achieve its set goals through improved work performance. Teams have therefore been seen as organizational building blocks. Tourism organizations need to expand into global market challenges companies to structur...