Questions Name Course Institution Explain why you believe we begin to see religious influence in philosophy during this era? What do you think this religious influence infuses into the arguments and discipline of philosophy? Religion has influenced philosophy as there are questions about the place of men in a secular world where people from diverse worlds and cultures interact more than ever before. Religion has sought to raw differences between man and animals since human beings have consciousness, indicating that mankind is unique and possesses higher abstract thoughts and mental ability. (a) What are the elements of an outline that you would use to organize your upcoming Case Assignment? The introduction gives a background in religion and philosophy. The outline highlights the role of philosophy in the society, the place of religion, the link between the two as well as the contribution of various philosophers. The conclusion sums up the points reemphasizing the place of philosophy.(b) Explain the theory of humanism and why this is a significant departure in the history of philosophy, as compared to the theories of the forefathers of the Western tradition? The theory of humanism supposes that human beings have free will and moral conscience, while they should rely on critical thinking rather than dogma when evaluation evidence. The theory departs from earlier philosophies that emphasized religion in the Western World.According to the theories of Locke, Rous...