What do we really need? Discussion postings
I am posting three discussion postings from three individual persons, and i need you to respond to them individually. In your responses to the posts provide constructive and insightful comments that go beyond that of agree or disagree. 1)This posting is from Paula:I am assuming that this patient is alert and oriented to person, place and time. Based on Maslow` heirarchy of needs, there are 5 level to reach in basic human needs. I believe that they should be met in order before moving to the next. This patient in the unit would have the priority need as being oxygen. This physiologic need would have to be maintained in order for the patient to move to the next level of basic needs. Oxygen is the most essential need for survival. The need to intake and elimination is also important in this patient should they be alert or not. Measuring the intake and output for a patient who is critical is very important in helping to assess water balance. If the patient is able to eat, this too is very important. If the patient is unable to eat, they should receive parenteral fluids to satisfy this need. The safety and security of this patient is important for the patient who is in the unit. If this patient is alert they are probably scared or emotionally ion turmoil based on the reasoning why they are critical and in the unit. Nurses can play a huge role in reinterating emotional safety to the patient. Anxiety levels will be higher for a patient who is alert to their surroundings, but is unable to change the course of what is going on. If the patient is alert and awake, they would require the belonging and love needs. The nurse can play a role in this level too. The nurse can remind the patient when visiting hours are so that the patient will feel that sense of love and belonging. This will keep the patient from feeling alone or scared. This too will help to keep the anxiety level of the patient lower. It is always helpful when the nurse taking care of a patient in the unit can learn about the patient`s beliefs and values. The nurse can encourage family members to visit at all scheduled times to reassure the patient that they are important and promote self-acceptance. If a patient is suffering from anxiety disorder prior to the critical issue in the unit, they should be on medication to help them cope with the different emotions that they will feel when they are in the unit. The nurse should also explain the different sounds and things that are going on with the patient to give them a sense of worth. The nurse focuses on the person`s strengths and possibilites rather than on problems to obtain self-actualization (Talyor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011). Meeting the patients needs while in the unit will be determined on the inital nursing assessment that is performed. During the patients stay in the unit, there could be many changes with the patiet before they leave so the assessment could change often. If a patient is depressed or anxious, they may not want to follow the course of treatment as the doctor orders. This is where the nurse plays an important role of building trust between them and the patient. If a patient is happy, they tend to feel better and heal quicker. Providing adequate rest will also help the body to heal from the critical condition. 2) This posting is from Shana: I am assuming that this patient is alert and oriented to person, place and time. Based on Maslow` heirarchy of needs, there are 5 level to reach in basic human needs. I believe that they should be met in order before moving to the next. This patient in the unit would have the priority need as being oxygen. This physiologic need would have to be maintained in order for the patient to move to the next level of basic needs. Oxygen is the most essential need for survival. The need to intake and elimination is also important in this patient should they be alert or not. Measuring the intake and output for a patient who is critical is very important in helping to assess water balance. If the patient is able to eat, this too is very important. If the patient is unable to eat, they should receive parenteral fluids to satisfy this need. The safety and security of this patient is important for the patient who is in the unit. If this patient is alert they are probably scared or emotionally ion turmoil based on the reasoning why they are critical and in the unit. Nurses can play a huge role in reinterating emotional safety to the patient. Anxiety levels will be higher for a patient who is alert to their surroundings, but is unable to change the course of what is going on. If the patient is alert and awake, they would require the belonging and love needs. The nurse can play a role in this level too. The nurse can remind the patient when visiting hours are so that the patient will feel that sense of love and belonging. This will keep the patient from feeling alone or scared. This too will help to keep the anxiety level of the patient lower. It is always helpful when the nurse taking care of a patient in the unit can learn about the patient`s beliefs and values. The nurse can encourage family members to visit at all scheduled times to reassure the patient that they are important and promote self-acceptance. If a patient is suffering from anxiety disorder prior to the critical issue in the unit, they should be on medication to help them cope with the different emotions that they will feel when they are in the unit. The nurse should also explain the different sounds and things that are going on with the patient to give them a sense of worth. The nurse focuses on the person`s strengths and possibilites rather than on problems to obtain self-actualization (Talyor, Lillis, LeMone, & Lynn, 2011). Meeting the patients needs while in the unit will be determined on the inital nursing assessment that is performed. During the patients stay in the unit, there could be many changes with the patiet before they leave so the assessment could change often. If a patient is depressed or anxious, they may not want to follow the course of treatment as the doctor orders. This is where the nurse plays an important role of building trust between them and the patient. If a patient is happy, they tend to feel better and heal quicker. Providing adequate rest will also help the body to heal from the critical condition. 3)This posting is from Amy: Abraham Maslow theory of hierarchy of needs believed that a person needs begin with basic needs first and then to the highest level of self-actualization. The most basic needs are basic and incorporate the necessity for food, water, sleep, and warmth. His theory states that the lower levels needs to be met prior to moving to the next level of needs. Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs consist of physiological, safety, love and belonging, Esteem, and Self-actualization. For the patient who is in critical condition in the intensive care unit and has a medical diagnosis of anxiety disorder his basic needs would need to be met first because this sustains life. The nurse makes a judgment about meeting the patient needs and basic needs are essential. The higher level of needs could be started at the same time. The nurse can provide the basic needs but still implement communication, talking with the patient even if they are unconscious, therapeutic touch to assist in making the patient feel safe. Anxiety disorder can be triggered by stressors. The patient in the ICU has a change in environment. The patient health status and environment can be stressors. I believe that patients can lose hope and give up. Without the feeling of safety, love and belonging, and esteem they may lose the will to live. I have a patient that is 55 years old and the doctors have told her she was terminal 2 years ago. A month ago, a hospice referral was obtained. The social worker and the hospice team had a meeting with the patient. They told the patient that she was going to die. I walked into her room, and she said to me I just got some bad news. She stated they just told me I was going to die. I believe she was in denial for the last 2 years because she has declined severely and bedridden. Over the last month, the patient has declined not eating and not her happy go lucky self. Her basic needs are being met, but I believe she lost her sense of safety, love and belonging, and esteem.
Discussion Postings Name Name of Institution Instructor Date Response to 1. Carolyn: Nursing has already been defined by several theorists and of all these theories, many have been tried and tested and therefore in the long run affect the manner in which the nurses in the profession run their activities. Take for example Florence Nightingale:“…what nursing has to do…is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him.â€(Resnick, Galik& Gruber-Baldini, 2013). And Lydia Hall`s revered words: “The care circle explains the ro...