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What is Innovation?


Source: Innovation as a process - Bessant & Tidd, Innovation and Enterpreneurship - http://www.iande.info/


The word Innovation is on the political, business and research agendas and is often linked to entrepreneurship. So while developing a topic which is both an emerging technology and an innovation, as the title of ITC571 suggests, it important to understand what innovation means to you. This short exercise and online quiz will help with developing more insight into: What is Innovation?




Project Blog


  1. Set up and develop your Project Blog as required for this task and later assessment task. The blog will store entries made by you throughout the subject to document the project stages and Milestones, seminar notes and other important notes.
  2. You can use CSU`s Thinkspace site at http://thinkspace.csu.edu.au/ (use your CSU Login ID) or a blog site of your own choice. CSU Thinkspace is recommended or else Wordpress, Google`s Blogger (https://www.blogger.com/home) are common blogging systems, but you may have your own favourite site to use.
  3. Choose and develop a limited blogger profile and enter a suitable TITLE for your blog (e.g.Joe’s Wireless Technology Project) – not your full name. For WEB ADDRESS - use yourstudent number as your account name (URL) or other unique identifier.
  4. Make a first post - a short introduction about you and the project - remember to save, then Publish the blog entry. Check with a friend or family member to ensure that he/she can see your first posting. This is also to check you have the right URL to include in this proposal and plan for your project.
  5. The last question in the Online Quiz will ask to write the URL Web address for your Project Blog, so do this task BEFORE you attempt the Innovation Quiz.


Innovation Quiz


  1. Read the notes and resources in Topic 1 from the Interact2 site sidebar menu.
  2. Try these two quiz sites based on what innovation means to a business: http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/bessant/0470032693/interactive/creative.html?newwindow=true
  3. Prepare for the Online Quiz in the Test Centre link in Interact2 by reading Tom Worthington`s blog at: http://blog.highereducationwhisperer.com/2014/12/innovations-in-teaching-innovation-in.html
  4. Answer all the 20 quiz questions (1 mark each) that will be based on these online sites and the understanding that you have about Innovation.
  5. The final Question 20 requires you to write a draft " Statement of Innovation " about your proposed project (even if not complete, it can be prepared in advance) AND to include the URL Web address of your Project Blog




The word Innovation is on the political, business and research agendas so while developing a topic which is both an emerging technology and an innovation, as the title of ITC571 suggests, it important to understand what innovation means to you.


Understanding innovation will help to shape the direction and depth of research and the development a capstone project topic about emerging technologies.


The Project Blog helps you to document your project and to "think by writing" as you develop, manage and record the project delivery as well as your "learning journey". This is good knowledge management.


Marking Criteria


Innovation Quiz and Project Blog : Online Quiz (5 %)



HD => 85%

DI 75-84%

CR 65-74%

PS 50-64%

Fail < 50%

Project Blog is created and functional and of the topic area is appropriate and has been justified by student and supervisor/sponsor.

(1 Mark)

The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection.
The Project Blog contains
justification of the topic and information and facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation.

0.85 to 1.00%

The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection.
The Project Blog contains justification of the topic and some information and a few facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation.

0.75 to 0.84%

The rationale and recommendations by the supervisor or sponsor of the project do not necessarily demonstrate that an evaluation of recent trends in emerging technologies and innovation has led to an appropriate topic selection.
The Project Blog contains justification of the topic is done briefly with a few with information and facts but very little or no purpose of the investigation.

0.65 to 0.74%

The rationale is not clear and the project has no clear recommendations by any sponsor or supervisor. 
Topic selection has not been fully justified by inclusion of information and facts about the problem and purpose of the investigation.

0.50 to 0.64%

No Project Blog has been created or an incomplete Project Blog exists with little or no content.
0.00 to 0.49%

All Twenty Questions from theOnline Innovation Quiz are attempted with an answer.
(4 Marks)

18-20 Score
Understands and responds to all questions.
Cites specific evidence from relevant portions or text.
Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of innovation
Interprets document in own words, goes beyond literal meaning to conceptual and wider significance of innovation.
3.40 to 4.00%


15-17 Score
Understands and responds to all or most questions.
Cites evidence from relevant portions or text.
Demonstrates accurate understanding of innovation
Interprets document in own words.
3.00 to 3.39%

13-14 Score
Understands and responds to all or most questions.
Cites some specific evidence from relevant portions or text.
Demonstrates accurate understanding of innovation and generally 
Interprets document usually in own words. 
2.60 to 2.99%

10-12 Score
Understands and responds to all or most questions.
Cites some specific evidence from relevant portions or text.
Demonstrates understanding of innovation and generally
Interprets document usually in own words. 
2.00 to 2.59%

9 or less.
Responds to fewer than half the questions,
Evidence either lacking or so vague that it does not demonstrate understanding of innovation.
Uses language that is either vague or copied from text without interpretation.
1.00 to 1.99%

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