What is IT Architecture and how does the benefit outweigh the costs?

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Provide information and discuss the following topics:

  • An introduction of yourself (your work, hobby, interests ...).
  • Why IT is important to your career? 
  • What is IT Architecture and how does the benefit outweigh the costs? 
  • Why is data mining becoming more important?
  • What are the benefits of cloud computing?
  • What role does personal conflict or politics play in the success of data governance?

This assessment task has been designed to provide you with the opportunity to engage early with your peers and your lecturer. It also provides you an opportunity to explore your previous learning experiences and identify any gaps in your knowledge.

Marking criteria
Criteria HD 85-100% DI 75-84% CR 65-74% PS 50-64% FL
Answer Question 1 & 2. 
For Question 3 to 6, able to synthesize key theoretical concepts, while differentiating between current and future trends in ICT services and infrastructure management
Questions 1 &2 are answered.
Answers for 3 -5 are correct, and complete. Comprehensive explanation is provided with appropriate examples. Demonstrated in-depth understanding of current and future trends, precisely synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application.
Questions 1 &2 are answered.
Answers for 3 -5 are correct and a detailed explanation is provided. Demonstrated considered explanation of current and future trends. Evidence of synthesizing technical knowledge with practical application.
Questions 1 &2 are answered.
Answers for 3 -5 are correct, but the explanation is not complete. There is an effort to discuss current and future trends, however no examples provided to support discussion.
Questions 1 &2 are answered.
Answers for 3 -5 are correct but the explanation requires further refinement, does not immediately demonstrate understanding of theoretical concepts.
Major omissions and unsubstantiated explanations.
Communication and referencing skills evident in writing Perfect referencing style is used, with no errors. No grammatical or spelling mistake. References are used with minor errors in formatting. A few grammatical or spelling mistakes but does not effect hinder the delivery of the answer. Referencing style applied with some inconsistent formatting.   Grammatical and spelling mistakes evident in writing and could have been refined to help with clearly communicating the answer. Applied referencing style requires refinement, however it is evident that student made an effort to reference literature. Writing style requires refinement with answer not immediately clear. Referencing incorrect or not applied. Major errors in grammar and spelling.

Price: £109

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions