Entrepreneurship Interview report Name: Course title: Instructor: Institution: Date Due: Executive Summary This is an entrepreneurship report from an interview conducted by the author with one business entrepreneur. The author asks him several questions, personal and business related, to ascertain the motivation behind his desire to enter self-employment arena. The entrepreneur is an expert in computer engineering, programming and software programming. Though the interviewee was a previous employee in one company working as a technical engineer, he had opted to quit and venture into self-employment career. Much of the reasons he cites for doing so is the desire for autonomy and utilization of his massive skills and experience. His desire in self-employment is also instigated by his childhood experiences, where together with his comrade established a website with fictitious links of certain computer software. Their aim in doing so was to attract as many clicks as possible since there was another party that was paying them according to the number of viewers, which the website generated. This made him to realize that knowledge in technology could earn one a substantive income. This interview reveals that self employment may not necessarily be a place where people work as they wished, that is waking or sleeping at one`s preferred time, rather it requires self sacrifice and adherence to quality services or products in order to stay in the business. Introduction Entrepreneurship or self-employment is a kind of labor status that encompasses a broad range of activities or operations. According to research, various factors motivate individuals to join self-employment type of businesses. Moreover, these factors are multidimensional. Some of these motivating factors may include such aspects as search for independency, necessity of self-expression, search for status or the need for pecuniary benefits, (Krueger, et al, 2008). This presents the reason why the author opted to interview one entrepreneur in finding out on what motivated him to venture into his kind of business and compare the report with other study findings on the same issue. Tell me about yourself? First, I am a family man with seven children, and asocial man who likes interacting with others. Concerning career, I am a technology expert involved on software engineering, programming computer repairs and sales of computer spare parts. I practically enjoy working as an independent entrepreneur rather than an employee because I like flexibility. I had previously worked as a technological engineer at ABC organization but decided to quit and begin my own entrepreneurship. I see the potential in this business since there is opportunity for growth as I am able to utilize and expand my vast skills without limitation. Tell me about your first entrepreneurial experience as a Child My first experience was when my friend and I decided to create a website while we were i...