Where did he study? is he/she teaching?

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History of Mesopotmia


I need Draft in 24 hours from now that consists short biography of the author of your book (bullet points) Where did he study? is he/she teaching? where? other background information? any other publications i need this draft JANUARY 24th• The book review only needs to be 1-3 pages in length Due January 27th, double-spaced and should evaluate the book for its contribution to the understanding of important issues in Mesopotamian history. You should consider the following questions: •The author’s purpose or thesis •The author’s arguments/discussion and how they are supported/described •Methods of analysis used •How the book is laid out to assist the reader •The age of the book, who published it, and the author’s credentials should also be considered • Think about the general topic of your essay outline. I want you to find a book that the author has good ratings and is credible. you need to talk about the author how credible he is and stuff •Read “Writing a Book Review” from the link i will put • Read “Assessing Source Quality” Links i will upload Do not just summarize the contents of the book! Your job is to provide a commentary on the book as a source for historical or archaeological information. You may choose any book you wish on the subject of Mesopotamian history. If you choose a book not on the list, make sure to pick something that is relatively recent and/or of importance to the history of Mesopotamia. You can talk about something that is significant. Also for citation i want you to use FOOTNOTES to cite the book. So again this a book review, choose a book you like and please be very concise and talk about the the authors thesis and what do you think of it. What is authors purpose or thesis? look at the introduction of the book. Arguments/discussions what is the chapter about? what is author trying to demonstrate? what points, arguments, elements of proof ideas does he use to make this part of his thesis clear? how does this chapter relate to the main thesis of the book? So you need to use foot notes to show the book. Don`t be too broad please. Make it more concise, so if you talk about some specific topic, please refer inside the chapter by writing down what the chapter is saying in the book and make it direct, get to the point and show by evidence what you mean. For example, if you find authors thesis interesting, Write down what authors thesis is, and by type of evidence, show the method he used to make this thesis interesting for you PLEASE dont forget to cite ( FOOT NOTE format). Make this 3 page paper worthless to read and understandable for the reader. A You only need to cite one book, since its book review. This is the link how the book review needs to be for our university and this can help you writing the paper: http://www.writing.utoronto.ca/advice/specific-types-of-writing/history



History of Mesopotamia 

The history of contemporary Iraq has recently gained worldwide attention especially with the country`s history being publicly available for everyone on museums and elsewhere. People interest rises up by two contributing factors: the country`s history in ancient civilization and importance of geopolitical power throughout history. A look into the country`sjiistoryisjhe main thrust of Nissen and Heine (2009), which emphasizes on the development of Mesopotamia. The authors started the book by focusing on the climatic conditions and population of Mesopotamia by raising questions like; how sedentary life style felt like back in Ca. 10,000 - 4000 ВСЕ- how it grew into urban society?

Defense Nissen and Heine (2009) highlight on the importance of Mesopotamia’s history by focusing on the area as a cradle of civilization, but also a strategic geo political arena. Opening of the National Museum of Iraq is testament to the rich history of Mesopotamia which occupied modern day Iraq. To begin with, the authors underline the significance of written communication and urban lifestyle as being cr...

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