Module 1 Discussions Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Topic 1: List and briefly discuss various operating system services. There are five main operating system services. They include; I/O Operations: In order for a program to produce an output, it requires an input. The operating system manages input / output operations which facilitate communication between the computer and the outside world which can be a human or another information system. Inputs are the signals or data originating from the user while outputs are signals or data that the system produces as a response to input (Comer, 2015). Input/output devices or input/output hardware enable the user to communicate with the system. They include keyboards, modems, network cards, etc. Program Execution: Computer systems cannot run without the proper execution of programs. The operating system provides the user with a convenient environment to run programs. Multitasking, and memory allocation is taken care of by the operating system therefore th