Who or what is this example? Qualified Writers Rated 4.9/5 based on 2480 reviews Order this Assignment Now: £ 99 100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions There Is No Such Thing As Too Late In Life Mitch Albom INSTRUCTIONS: For this speech, you will be analyzing a quote by using 3 pop My quote: "there is no such thing as too late in life " Mitch Albom culture/historical references. Use this outline below to format your speech. Feel free to put this outline onto your notecard for your speech. Time: 3-4 minutes INTRODUCTION Attention getter: (Don’t use a quote or saying to start, instead use another strategy. Personal story? Imagine this… Close your eyes…) State quote 2X & Author 1X: (I literally want you to state the quote twice.) Thesis: Agree/Disagree? & Why? (Tell us if you agree or disagree and WHY you feel this way.) Preview 3 points: (My first point…second...third…) BODY Pt. 1 a. Who or what is this example?(Carrie Underwood is a Country music singer) b. Elaborate briefly on background of example. (She has written many songs about heartbreak, one in particular is called Cowboy Cassanova.) c. How this example relates back to your quote/theme. (This relates to my theme of relationship because in this song….) Transition Pt. 2 a. Who or what is this example? b. Elaborate briefly on background of example. c. How this example relates back to your quote/theme Transition Pt. 3 a. Who or what is this example? b. Elaborate briefly on background of example. c. How this example relates back to your quote/theme CONCLUSION Re-state quote: Summary of points: Final close/Tie back to attention getter CONTENT: Speech Presentation Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: "There Is No Such Thing As Too Late In Life†Mitch Albom When I was in high school, all I did was play. I never used to worry about anything especially my future. However, ... Price: £99Get Fresh Answer100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions