INFORMATION SECURITY Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Introduction Information security is the collection or assembly of all the necessary techniques that can be used to safeguard data and information of an individual or entity. The current information age has brought with it increased challenges to information security. More and more organizations and even governments are beginning to understand the high stakes involved in safeguarding their data. There are various sources of threats to information, such as human errors, natural and manmade disasters, as well as cyber attacks. Having a deeper knowledge of each will be helpful in understanding the kind of challenges being faced, and the subsequent strategies to keep safe. Why is information security an important issue? Globalization has ushered in an age where information is virtually the heartbeat of everything. The access to reliable, accurate and vital information can be the difference between success and failure, life and death. Businesses rely on such information to ensure that they remain afloat and competitive in this dynamic environment that has cutthroat compet