You have graduated with your business degree and recently commenced work with a leading firm of public accountants. A number of important clients have become aware of possible changes to the reporting of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) as highlighted in the IASB’s Conceptual Framework Discussion Paper 2013/1. They have expressed concern regarding the implications of these changes.
While the partners of the firm have been able to communicate with clients about this issue, and are aware that it is by no means resolved, they have asked you to prepare a background report for presentation to other staff members to brief them on:
• a concise background on the history, rationale and present requirements regarding the presentation of Other Comprehensive Income;
• an explanation of why practitioners, standard setters and researchers have identified the issue of Other Comprehensive Income as problematic;
• a summary of current international developments relating to Other Comprehensive Income and their possible implications for Australian reporting entities.
The partners require that the report is presented in simple language and in an interesting, easy-to-read format