Write an Apologia to Galileo’s Starry Messenger Qualified Writers Rated 4.9/5 based on 2480 reviews Order this Assignment Now: £ 99 100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions Write an Apologia to Galileo’s Starry Messenger INSTRUCTIONS: Prompt from Instructor:Step 1: Read Sprezzatura Chapter 33: Galileo Frames the Foundation of Modern Science.Step 2: Read Sprezzatura Chapter 36: The Baroque splendors of Berini.Step 3: Read Sprezzatura Chapter 32: Peri`s Euridice: The birth of Opera from the spirit of tragedy.Step 4: Review the Lecture Notes from the word document attachment.Step 5: Read the PowerPoint attachment titled “Reformation and Baroque (Italy).Step 6: Read the PowerPoint attachment titled “The Reformation and the Scientific Revolution Version”.Step 7: Read the PowerPoint attachment titled “Opera Origins”.Step 8: Now for your assignment I want you to write an introduction to Galileo`s Starry Messenger that would serve as an “apologia” to allow his book to be better received by the church authorities.Remember an “Apologia” (a Greek term that means "speaking in defense") is a formal defense of a position or action. In modern usage, apologia describes a formal defense and should not be confused with the sense of the word `apology` as the expression of regret. CONTENT: Name:Professor:Date:Galileo`s ApologiaIn the many years of my work as a scientist, I have learnt to appreciate the works of my predecessors, because they informed a lot on what I do today. I have examined the works of Aristotle and Ptolem ... Price: £99Get Fresh Answer100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions