Week #2 Assignment
According to given data the Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary composite index that measures a country’s average achievements in three basic aspects of human development: 1) longevity, 2) knowledge, and 3) a decent standard of living. 1) Longevity is measured by life expectancy at birth; 2) knowledge is measured by a combination of the adult literacy rate and 3) the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrolment ratio; and standard of living by GDP per capita (PPP US$).
I would choose to give $16 million to Zambia and Sierra Leone as per their lowest life expectancy at birth with 33.4% and 34.5% and lowest over all life 14% and 16% respectively. To provide better medical facilities, so people can take better treatment to improve their health condition.
I would also like to give $10 million each Zimbabwe and Zambia have less life expectancy because they are suffering by the deadly disease AIDS. Almost one third (33.73%) of Zimbabwe’s population is suffering from AIDS and Zambia has 21.52% of total population suffering from AIDS.
I would provide Niger with $14 million for education and building schools. This is due to them having the lowest literacy rate at 16.5%, lowest education index at 17%, and also the 2nd lowest Human Development Index (HDI) value at 27.5%. Creating schools and improving education could really improve their rates and help their communities prosper.