Determination of Metal Concentrations in Sediment and Plant Samples from Dee Estuary, in Order to Assess the Level of Environmental Risk Related to Environmental Pollution. Name: Subject: Institution Date of Submission Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u List of Tables PAGEREF _Toc419057104 h 3List of Figures PAGEREF _Toc419057105 h 4Introduction PAGEREF _Toc419057106 h 5Objectives PAGEREF _Toc419057107 h 6The Dee Estuary PAGEREF _Toc419057108 h 7Field and Laboratory Methods PAGEREF _Toc419057109 h 8Laboratory Session 1 PAGEREF _Toc419057110 h 9Laboratory Session 2 PAGEREF _Toc419057111 h 10Results PAGEREF _Toc419057112 h 11Discussion PAGEREF _Toc419057113 h 14Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc419057114 h 17References PAGEREF _Toc419057115 h 19 List of Tables TOC h z c "Table" Table 1: An Anova table for differences between sites and metal concentrations PAGEREF _Toc419056942 h 9 Table 2: An Anova table for differences between Sample types and metal concentrations PAGEREF _Toc419056943 h 10 Table 3: Descriptive Analysis for the clusters obtained from clustering metal concentrations based on site names PAGEREF _Toc419056944 h 12 Table 4: Results from a two-sample t-test showing the difference in metal concentrations between sediment cores PAGEREF _Toc419056945 h 12 Table 5: An Anova table for the difference between sediment cores and metal concentrations PAGEREF _Toc419056946 h 13 List of Figures TOC h z c "Figure" Figu...