MSc in Professional Accountancy Module: Global Issues for the Finance Professional [PAM100]
Some points to think about:
1. You are required to analyse and discuss who benefits / gains, in terms of the shareholders from M&A activity
2. Why do some shareholders gain and some do not?
3. Are the benefits short lived or consistent in the medium to longer terms? Some final thoughts on this part of the Project:
i) Ensure that all of the points above that you include together with any others, are set within a piece of writing which is integrated and coherent and ‘flows’. Do not put forward a set of standalone paragraphs which, if the essay were a book, might be wonderful individual chapters but as book do not flow into and out of each other, generating a reading experience which is likely for the reader to be unsatisfactory, probably unconvincing, and certainly a deflating experience – and leading to a lower mark.
ii) And remember: a) adhere to the word count, and instructions regarding use of charts, diagrams, tables, etc., and b) incorporate ‘proper’ referencing - whether we like it or not ‘proper’ referencing is considered an important ingredient of Masters-level work. Harvard-style referencing is preferred but other valid ones may be used in its place. Apply your referencing consistently. Please note that ANY material that is NOT your own in assignment has to be ACKNOWLEDGED APPROPRIATELY with relevant IN-TEXT CITATIONS – see Study Skills module.
iii) Do not use references that are inappropriate at this level of study – Wikipedia, Investopedia etc are merely dictionaries and should NOT be used.
iv) Remember this is your work. It is not your tutor’s. It is not anybody else’s – it is yours. v) The word count has parameters and in conjunction with your reflections you should utilise the word count as you see fit. That said do not exceed the total word limit.